Sunday, 5 February 2012


by Manuel Aguirre Lavarrere(Mackandal)

None of the governments that have taken place in Cuba has been consistent with the sacrifice of black history in the country. But none like the current regime has had so many chances to clean up the nation of all the racist blot and selective and give a hundred and eighty degree turn to the greatest possible happiness to the entire population. Being a socialist system where by the ideologues of the scientific communism should give priority to the equal living to every citizen, the Cuban regime is increasingly moving away from that basic precept in the dignity of man and builds bridges of distances and unequal citizen, only invisible to the one who do not want to see from within and foreign tourists and diplomats who just have sex with a black or mulatto to say that all is well and therefore, without any conviction support the government and critique in an unconscious way those seeking the welfare of the nation in a peaceful manner opposed to the lies and contradictions of the system within an opposition that already contains several dozens of people whose names are alive in the collective memory of the Cuban opposition.
The hunger strikes that have taken place in Cuba and are aware and are carried by peaceful opponents where primarily sacrifice proudly serves and Afro-Cuban manhood, shows clearly the focal point of one per cent majority of the population of African descent in their quiet position to ruin the exclusion, subjugation and torture, both physical and psychological which has to face in day to day with the sultry Cuban reality.
The black in Cuba was first called for political commitment and ideological subjugation later, the root causes that even today, despite reaching the twenty-first century with the lowest poverty level the Cuban social status, not so rebellious decide their future. Ideology that although in recent years has been ridiculed in many of his chief supporters, corrupt and dualists, whose abuses against excesses of the economy and I do I can highly filtered in national public opinion, has made the growing black Cuban Opposition decides to claim their rights and face the official abuse from teeth up. And the commitment, which was first convened, by panning the view remains today of the sufferer, in a plane  ridicule and bound militancy.

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