Saturday, 28 September 2013

Rob Miller belongs to Cuba Solidarity Campaign a pro-communist, pro-Castro

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign, from whose perspective Miller has written this piece has on its website ( some incredibly stupid and awkward things to say about the human rights issue rights. Instead of trying to deal with the substance of the criticism / arguments people like Human Rights Watch are making, solidarity with people in Cuba do two movements criticize U.S. for their human rights abuses as if you can show that your registration is not open to criticism if someone is guilty of human rights abuses. This is like trying to divert attention from his abuse of his wife saying "but Smith next door does the same thing." The second movement is the assertion of boiler plate that Cuba is not doing anything special in its treatment of dissidents (the criminalization of dissent to be precise), since all the other countries are doing the same (we all have the right to protect against external threats). This is also absolutely pathetic response to the HRW and HRW - criticism of types because the substance of his criticism is that the interpretation of Cuban dissidents is so broad that it violates several provisions of international human rights. To try to address this criticism by saying that everyone is doing the same thing is both false and foolish and can not be taken seriously.

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