Friday, 15 April 2016

BREAKING: Panama Intercepts Major Drug Shipment From Cuba

The Panamanian authorities have intercepted over 401 kilos of cocaine in a shipment from Cuba en route to Belgium.

The cocaine was found in a container camouflaged by molasses tanks.

Details are forthcoming of this interdiction at the Colon Free Trade Zone, which has been dubbed by intelligence officials as "Operation Fiery Cane" ("Caña Brava").

It's important to note that the interception -- also by the Panamanian authorities -- of 240 tons of illegal weapons from Cuba to North Korea in 2013 was originally under suspicion of a drug shipment.

It's also important to note that Cuba's port facilities are owned -- and tightly-controlled -- by the Castro regime's military.

In other words, the only criminal network that has access to Cuba's ports is the Castro regime itself.

In 2013, the Obama Administration allowed Cuba's regime to get away scot-free, despite clear evidence that it was at the center of a major illegal shipment of arms from its Port of Mariel to North Korea.

Similarly, the Obama Administration remained mum in March 2015, when the Castro regime was (again) caught smuggling 100 tons of weapons hidden in a a cereal shipment via through Colombia.

Old habits die hard for the Castro regime.

P.S. In 1993, a U.S. federal indictment listed Gen. Raul Castro (that's right, our new "partner") as part of a conspiracy that smuggled seven and a half tons of cocaine into the United States over a 10-year period. However, at the last minute, a recently inaugurated Clinton Administration got cold-feet and squashed it.

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