This is truly offensive to those who today peacefully face the Cuban military dictatorship. This regime, without making the slightest conception and without recognizing any of the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and those contained in the Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural covenants ago five years still pending ratification by Havana. If approved it by signing contracts Mogherini will mean the end of the so - called Common Position, implemented against the Cuban military government from 1996 to proposal of Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar.
It is noteworthy that prior to this dated in Brussels and reflected by the daily Granma information on 23 September with the title "Proposes EU approval according to normalize relations with Cuba , " only three days before the September 20, the European Council gave released a report that reflected the Cuban repressive military regime maintained its policy of arbitrary arrests for short periods of time dissidents, independent journalists and human rights activists. These facts have been properly documented and released by the Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation, chaired by the opposition Elizardo Sanchez Santa Cruz, among other complainants instances.
For the Cuban regime, it should be a concern that the report on violations of Human Rights incurred daily repressive police apparatus, comes to light at the precise moment the High Commissioner for Foreign Policy, struggles to reach an agreement Political dialogue and Cooperation with Havana.
Unanimity not be easy to achieve the desired agreement. Cuban authorities know that the European Council is one of the institutions of the European Union, composed of the 27 member countries. Everything is headed by the President of the European Commission, and President of the European Council. The latter is the one who presides over the meetings.
In the document the European Council alluded to in 2015 he insisted Havana ratify once and for all the Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Also on regard to violence against those who claim and demand freedom of expression and association. Also, the need for more space for the activities of alternative civil society and freedom of movement in Cuba.
The report of the European Council, recognizing that meetings of delegations from the European governments on official visits to Havana with leaders of opposition organizations openly criticize the Cuban military regime have been impossible, from the pressure from the Cuban Foreign Ministry and police State Security affirmed prevent these meetings are to take effect.
A sample of the violation of human rights carried out promptly Cuban military government, was unveiled with the allegation that the police State Security deployed on 20 September a police operation to prevent a meeting of several trade unionists, such as he unveiled.
For these repressive measures, the meeting could not be held because several activists were arrested, besieged in their homes and threatened and some even have disappeared, such as the international public opinion was given.
Carrillo unionist stated that during the meeting aborted by the political police his intention was to join forces to achieve changes within the Cuban nation, which lead to the rule of law, where all workers have their rights and the right to organize freely " .
A sample of the intolerant and repressive stance of the military regime was demonstrated once again when the September 20 police officers State Security (DSE) prevented a dozen young opponents process at the consulate of Spain in Havana, the visas to travel to Madrid on October 1 and receive a training course of two months in the Atlantic Institute of Government headed by José María Aznar.
As the delivery process visa could not be performed due to the punitive action of the State Security police, the Spanish consulate, again quoting young for delivery of visas for departure to Madrid.
This arbitrariness was denounced by the Cuban Human Rights Watch organization founded in Madrid by former Cuban political prisoners. It is not the first time organized with the Institute of Aznar training courses for members of the Cuban opposition.
I hope the 27 when the time of the vote take into account that the Cuban military regime is a stubborn violator of human rights and that its repressive proceed, rapist and ignorant of the declarations and covenants of the United Nations to guarantee free exercise of freedom and democracy they realize that this does not meet undeservedly merit to be rewarded with the signing of the agreement.
origenesmadibas@gmail.com; Osmar Laffita
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