Always the methods were similar. Almost 58 years in the search for reasons for confrontation and to start new campaigns, "... the chosen enemy."

Students from other countries studying in Cuba. Do they receive or not influences the failed Cuban political system? [Read articles # 12 and 13 Constitution of the Republic of Cuba]
What would happen to Cuban students, if manifest dissension with the new show mounted by officialdom and FEEM on World Learning?
What they fear? Is it not enough with doses of indoctrination given for more than five decades since, kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, colleges and universities pre? Is not it enough with the University Students Federation (FEU) and the Communist Youth Union (UJC) in control, supervision and guidance of all? Do they also want to guess the true thought that many young people remain hidden and do not show in almost perfect simulation?
Slogans and slogans. The US blockade, the Cuban Adjustment Act, the Elian, the Battle of Ideas, the Five 'prisoners in jails' Anti -imperialist Tribune, Monte de las Banderas, release of the Five Heroes, VII Congress PCC, Conceptualization of the Economic Model and Development Plan until 2030, World Learning, and blah, blah, bla.¡Basta now! Among the many calamities unresolved for over half a century and also having to always bear the same faces! Please, all this affects, tired and bored existence.
Who have been the real beneficiaries from 17 December 2014 until today? Does the dome of military power or the averageCuban? The people counts for nothing. Only they care to repeat slogans and approve the show of the moment. To raise their hands and applaud as a sign of approval to as many nonsense they come up .
What answers officialdom, to the question: Why the Cuban people, not seen any improvement since the beginning of relations with the US, so far? The answer that wields the ruling is very simple. There will be no improvement until the embargo is not lifted!
To this end, I ask another question to answer: The day it lifted the blockade and called Guantanamo Bay to be returned to theCuban totalitarian military regime. What will happen? It is quite possible that the new requirement is that the State of Florida is transferred. The proximity to Cuban territory, the imperialists and deformers air with neo-liberal consumer society so close, ideas affect the moral and ideological purity declared, ... prosperous 'Cuban Socialism'!
Before 1959, student organizations were independent of governments. Today, the Communist Party, state, government and civil society - government is one thing. Fidel Castro did what Batista was not allowed to. Liquid university autonomy which he enjoyed freely and used for their own purposes! All private schools participated. Entire educational system became an instruction for ideological indoctrination bases aimed at the convenience of the aspirations of totalitarian power that would impose and seek to keep immovably Cuba.
"We must ensure that others think that everything bad that happens is the fault of our enemies and make our supporters trust that is so." This ordered Joseph Goebels, the ideologue of German fascism.
The top leaders of the regime, Fidel Castro and the current ruling heir, his brother Raul Castro are children of a Spanish soldier, who joined the Spanish troops, who operated on the island under the command of cruel and ruthless Valeriano Weyler. The bombing of Maine and the US intervention in the war, perhaps, may have marked and left indelible marks in the life of this soldier of Spanish origin. This may have generated great resentment against the Americans. This could have influenced the formation of their children, brothers Fidel and Raul Castro.
Even today I remember the sad stories of my maternal grandfather, who lost all his family and left alone with only 5 years. So traumatic tragedy that my grandfather fought, suffered and could never forget. This tragedy was the result of the refocusing ordered by the HP Valeriano Weyler.
Who was more cruel to Cuba and Cubans, Spain with Valeriano Weyler in front of extermination or the United States with the intervention that ended the horror that struck and liquidated much of the defenseless Cuban population?
The feud Biran as an educational crib and raising well received, may have influenced this anti - American behavior. Also for the expansion effort that fief the entire Cuban archipelago. With regard to the fief, Doubters can read the article # 5 of the Constitution of the Republic and would verify that the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, is the Head of State and Government once. So in practice, it can act as a great feudal lord.
It is too much. Tired and bored. The life of Cubans every day more unbearable ago. World Learning The show must end!;; Rogelio Travieso
* Liberal Party of Cuba.
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