Thursday, 16 February 2017

Alejandro Castro Espín Proposes For Presidency Of Cuba

A Facebook group from the Argols organization has issued a letter proposing that a son of Raúl Castro assume the presidency of Cuba as if we had not had enough with 2 Castros and 58 years of backwardness and oppression. The group has even changed the name to: committee for the candidacy of Alejandro Castro Espín.
The letter is signed by a lady in New York and the alleged news agency is based in Miami.
It seems that this way begins to feel the ground to pass the throne in Cuba to the third Castro.
Here the letter integrates as it has been published:
'ArgosIs-COMITÉ Alejandro for President of Cuba' 
We: Members of 'The Executive', 'Interlaced Members', 'Founding Members', 'Collaborators' and 'Member of Support Groups' of the 'ArgosIs-International' Information Agency on the Network, Latin America ',' Caribbean ',' United States', 'European Union', 'Africa', 'Asia' and 'Social Movements' 
The creation of the 'Committee of Support for the Candidature for the Presidency of the Republic of Cuba of' Alejandro Castro Espín '... 
First: The Deputy, and Member of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party (CCP), Colonel Alejandro Castro Espín, is an intelligent, educated, charismatic person formed within the VIVA Revolution and represents a sector of the population of the Republic of Cuba, which is extremely powerful, which is YOUTH ... He is a Cuban engineer and a master's degree in International Relations ... Researcher on issues related to Defense and National Security ... Author of the book Imperio del terror (2009) ... 
Second: The Deputy Alejandro Castro Espín stands out for its image strength with values ​​that human being would like to have of history ...
Photo used in publication
Third: Cuban man with commitment of dedication and passion for freedom and emancipation of the human being, from there born his commitment to integral education ... 
Fourth: Why not highlight your family heritage, when humanity is covered with similar stories that stand out and identify with the best? ... Let us review contemporary history and it will not be difficult to know what we mean, eliminate prejudices For the benefit of the Cuban people, it is no secret to anyone that there are more than 50 years of accumulated difficulties in Cuban society that we must eliminate for the benefit of the nation and its progress ... 
We subscribe the following Committee to Support the Candidacy of Deputy Alejandro Castro Espín to the Presidency of the Republic of Cuba: 
We: Members of 'The Executive', 'Founders', 'Interlaced Members', 'Contributors' and 'Members of Support Groups' of the ArgosIs-International Information Agency on the Network, on 03 February 2015 in the City of New York, United States of America ... 
Lic. Damaris Pérez Cortina (MF-Cuba).
President of the 'Alejandro's Committee for President of Cuba'.
Editor of 'ArgosIs-Radio Titan' ... 
…'There are men that fight one day and are good.
There are others that fight for a year and are better.
Some fight for many years and are very good.
But there are those who fight for a lifetime: Those are the essential '... 
'ArgosIs-International' is a Social Networking Information Agency (POR NOW) based in the City of Miami, Florida, United States; Founded in 1991 ... Web: http: // ... Member of the 'Latin American Federation of Journalists' (FELAP) ... Web: http: // ...

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