I saw with great interest the two parts of the interview, since until that moment I had only been able to see and listen to Che Guevara on television in a fragment of that speech at the UN - I do not know if the same one in which he admitted that in Cuba There had been shootings and there would still be them - where he warned that "in Yankee imperialism could not be trusted even a little bit like this."
Karen Brito, Iroel Sánchez and Fidel Díaz Castro, the director of El Cayman Barbudo, also a regular on the show, seemed to be ecstatic about the words of Che Guevara and just praised his clairvoyance.
To me, Guevara's behavior during the interview and, above all, his responses to Liza Howard, fully confirmed what I had always thought: that the guy, besides being a psycho, was a perfect idiot.
Smoking a huge tobacco and with a beard that demanded to comb and scissors, Che Guevara, during the interview, that took place in his office in the Ministry of Industries, was arrogant, socarrón and cynic. It seemed that he was in the presence of a dangerous enemy, and not a journalist, who, moreover, was a beautiful woman.
Some of Guevara's responses to Liza Howard were anthological, as in denying that Communism was incompatible with the idiosyncrasy of Cubans, that the Cuban economy was a disaster, when it refused to explain - not to give information to the enemy - if the American embargo was effective in causing damages to the revolutionary regime, and above all, when he affirmed that the bureaucracy was a backwardness of the capitalist past and soon would be extinguished.
What would Che Guevara say, the then Minister of Industries who had already been president of the National Bank, if he saw that more than half a century after that interview, the bureaucracy, far from over, is growing stronger and more corrupt, and The obstacles to the attempts to reform the system - the so-called updating of the economic model - is the most serious threat to what is left of the Fidel Castro revolution.
What's up! Pictures of the iconic Argentine revolutionary, hanging on the wall or under the glass of the bureau, preside over the offices of many of these corrupt bureaucrats, the piranhas of olive green socialism, who claim to love him as much as Commissar Iroel Sánchez and his Castro-Guevarist comrades The Asked Pupil.
Luicino2012@gmail.com; Luis Cino
Luicino2012@gmail.com; Luis Cino
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