Friday 20 January 2012


Che Guevara "We shot, gun shot and continue

"We shot, shoot them and continue shooting."

The Hidden Face of Che. The executions

"On several occasions Che came subtly. He climbed that wall. It was difficult to raise it because I had a ladder. He lay on his back smoking a cigar there and watch the executions. That was said in all the soldiers of La Cabaña. My soldiers told me: "When we were in the firing squad, we saw Che smoking a snuff up on the wall." We gave strength to those about to shoot. For those soldiers who had never seen Che, was an important thing. It gave them courage. "

Here is the testimony of Dariel Alarcon Ramirez, alias "Benigno", one of the oldest and most faithful companions in arms of Che Guevara, a survivor of the guerrillas in Bolivia, a political exile in France since 1996. "Benign" Che blindly followed in all his adventures, first in the guerrilla war against Batista, then as a member of the government in Cuba, at last in the Congo and Bolivia. At that time, did not question anything. For him, all these acts were part of a common goal: a global fight against injustice. Revolution and repression were indissolubly complementary. It took years before daring to criticize the figure of Che and accept that it was not only the rebel guerrillas against Batista's dictatorship but also one of the main responsible for the repression carried out by the revolutionary government "

Chapter of the book La face cachée Jacobo Machover du Che. Buchet-Chastel publishing. Paris, September 2007

The dead of the "Revolutionary"

Executed by Che in the Sierra Maestra during the struggle against Batista (1957-1958)
1. Captain Manuel 1957
2. Joseph Chang Chang-57 October
3. "The Bisco" Echevarria October-57
4. Eutimio War 2/18/1958
5. Aristidio N / A October-57
6. and 7. 2 Brothers spies N / A October-57
8. Dionisio N / A October-57
9. John Lebrigio N/AOct-57
10. "The Master" N / A Sep-57
11. 12. Two farmers N / A April-57
13. "The rapist" N / A October-57
14. "The Black" Naples 2/18/1957
15. "Chicho" Osorio 1/17/1957

Executed or sent to be executed by Che during his brief command in Santa Clara (1-3 January 1959).

1. Ramon Moya Alba 1/3/1959
2. Joaquín Casillas Lumpuy 1/2/1959
3. Arturo Perez-Perez 1/24/1959
4. Diego Alvarez Martinez 1/4/1959
5. José Martínez Fernández 1/2/1959
6. Hector Mirabal Jan-59
7. Jan Montano Félix Fernández-59
8. Cano Prieto 1/7/1959
9. Ricardo Rodríguez Pérez 1/11/1959
10. Cornelio Rojas Fernández 1/8/1959
11. Rosell Francisco 1/11/1959
12. Rosell Ignacio Leyva 1/11/1959
13. Antonio Ruiz Beltran 1/11/1959
14. Ramón García Santos 1/12/1959
15. Jesus Isidoro Socarrás 1/12/1959
16. Manuel Valdes Jan-59
17. Jose Velazquez Fernandez 2/6/1959

Executions reported in the Cabaña Fortress prison under the command of Che (January 3 to November 26, 1959).

1. Ramon Moya Alba 1/3/1959
2. Arturo Perez-Perez 1/24/1959
3. Abreu Vilau 7/3/1959
4. Aguiar Humberto Limonta 1959
5. Alayón Pelayo February-59
6. Pedro Alfaro 7/25/1959
7. José Luis Alfaro Sierra 2/6/1959
8. Mariano Alonso Riquelme 7/1/1959
9. Jose Alvaro 3/1/1959
10. N / A 1959 Aniello
11. Ares Polo Miguel 2/6/1959
12. Alvaro Suarez argues 3/21/1959
13. Barrios Severino 12/9/1959
14. Azcarate Becquer Eugenio 9/29/1959
15. Becquer Francisco Azcarate 7/2/1959
16. Bicet Ramon 7/25/1959
17. Antonio Blanco Navarro 12/10/1959
18. Roberto Calzadilla 1959
19. Cano Eufemio April-59
20. Juan Capote Fiallo 5/1/1959
21. Caro Eladio 2/6/1959
22. Antonio Ayala Carralero 2/4/1959
23. Joaquín Casillas Lumpuy 1/2/1959
24. Jose Castano Quevedo 3/7/1959
25. Castellanos Gertrude 5/7/1959
26. José Chamaco 10/15/1959
27. Clausell Garcia Angel 4/19/1959
28. Cat Clausell Raul 3/15/1959
29. Clausell Demetrio Gonzalez 2/1/1959
30. Eloy Contreras laurel 4/1/1959
31. Corbo Alberto 12/7/1959
32. Orestes Cross 1959
33. Emilio Cruz Perez 12/7/1959
34. N / A (brother) Cuni 6/1/1959
35. Roberto Cuni June-59
36. Antonio De Beche Jan-59
37. Mateo Perez Delgado Dec-59
38. Ramon Despaigne 1959
39. Jose Diaz heads July-59
40. Fidel Diaz Merquías April-59
41. Duarte Antonio Becerra 7/2/1959
42. Rudy Fernandez 7/30/1959
43. José Martínez Fernández 1/2/1959
44. Ramon Fernandez Ojeda 5/29/1959
45. N / A Ferran Alfonso 1/12/1959
46. Ferrero Salvador Canedo 5/29/1959
47. Eduardo Forte 3/20/1959
48. Galán Ugarte 1959
49. Jacinto Garcia 9/8/1959
50. Angel Garcia Leon 5/1/1959
51. Rafael García Muñiz 3/18/1959
52. Gaspar Evelio 04/12/1959
53. Ezequiel Gonzalez Jan-59
54. Evaristo Gonzalez Beneria 11/14/1959
55. Gonzalez Secundino 1959
56. Jose Gonzalez Malagón 7/2/1959
57. Luis Ricardo Grau 2/23/1959
58. Evaristo Guerra 2/18/1959
59. Oscar Guerra 3/9/1959
60. Jan-59 Secundino Hernández
61. Gerardo Hernandez 7/26/1959
62. Rodolfo Hernandez Falcon 1/9/1959
63. Francisco Hernandez Leyva 4/15/1959
64. Jesus Gonzalez Insua 7/22/1959
65. Izquierdo Enrique Portuondo 7/23/1959
66. Vega Jorrín Osmin 10/14/1959
67. Silvino Garcia Junco 11/15/1959
68. 1959 Henry Rose
69. Bonifacio Lasaparla 1959
70. Lake Ariel Lima 8/1/1959
71. Ambrosio Malagon 3/21/1959
72. Armando More Torrente 2/17/1959
73. Onerlio Mata Costa Cairo 1/30/1959
74. Mederos Elpidio War 1/9/1959
75. Jose Medina 9/17/1959
76. Jose Perez Milian 4/3/1959
77. Luis Mirabal 1959
78. Hector Mirabal Jan-59
79. Francisco Sanchez Mirabal 5/29/1959
80. Jan Montano Félix Fernández-59
81. Ernesto Morales 1959
82. Montero Pedro Morejon 1/31/1959
83. Carlos Varela Muiño. M.D. 1959
84. Alberto Rojas Nicolardes 1/7/1959
85. Cesar Rojas Nicolardes 1/7/1959
86. Victor Rojas Nicolardes 1/7/1959
87. O'Reilly Viterbo Diaz 2/27/1959
88. Felix Gonzalez Oviedo 7/24/1959
89. Manuel Paneque 8/16/1959
90. Pedro Hernández Pedroso 4/12/1959
91. Juan Perez Hernandez 5/29/1959
92. Jose Pozo López 1959
93. Cano Prieto 1/7/1959
94. Puebla Emilio 4/30/1959
95. Alfredo Parra Pupo 5/29/1959
96. Secundino Ramirez 4/2/1959
97. Ramon Alvarez Ramos 4/23/1959
98. Paul Ravelo 9/15/1959
99. Ruben King Alberola 2/27/1959
100. Mario Riquelme 1/29/1959
101. Fernando Rivera Reyes 10/8/1959
102. Ricardo Rodriguez 5/29/1959
103. Nemesio Rodriguez 7/30/1959
104. Marcos Rodriguez 7/31/1959
105. Ricardo Rodríguez Pérez 1/11/1959
106. Cornelio Rojas Fernández 1/8/1959
107. Rosell Francisco 1/11/1959
108. Rosell Ignacio Leyva 1/11/1959
109. Antonio Ruiz Beltran 1/11/1959
110. Paying Jose Cruz 11/09/1959
111. Pedro Santana February-59
112. Ramón García Santos 1/12/1959
113. Sergio Sierra 1/9/1959
114. Juan Silva Dominguez Aug-59
115. Fausto Silva Guera 1/29/1959
116. Jesus Isidoro Socarrás 1/12/1959
117. Soler Puig Elpidio 11/8/1959
118. Roger Barreto Technica 3/14/1959
119. Jesus Sosa Blanco 2/18/1959
120. Sosa Renato Delgado 6/28/1959
121. Sergio Hernández Sosa 8/20/1959
122. Pedro Soto Quintana 3/20/1959
123. Oscar Suarez 4/30/1959
124. 2/18/1959 Rafael Cardenas Tárrago
125. Francisco Tellez 1/3/1959
126. Theodore Tellez Cisneros 1/3/1959
127. Francisco Travieso 2/18/1959
128. Marcelino Valdés 7/21/1959
129. Manuel Valdes Jan-59
130. Lupe Valdes Barbosa 3/22/1959
131. Antonio Valentin 3/22/1959
132. Sergio Vazquez 5/29/1959
133. Jose Velazquez Fernandez 2/6/1959
134. N / A 1959 Verdecia
135. Zayas Damaso 7/3/1959


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