Saturday 28 January 2012


by Ramón Humberto Colá
translated CUBAN POST UK

This a question asked by many Cuban intellectuals
and civil rights activists on the island and
exile. For Esteban Morales himself  a black teacher
of the University of Havana and close to the
ruling: "The racial issue is probably the
more complex, 'unknown' and difficult of our social reality. No issue causes so much concern,
worry and suspicion. It is not difficult to find people who do not want to hear anything about the subject and
overlook to comment when it comes to the racial problem. The race issue is closely
linked to others, such as economics, human rights, inequality, equality, social justice,
marginalization and religious discrimination
among others. "
The little interest shown by Castro and his entourage
derives from its racist nature and the prejudice that
has always supported to locate the Cuban black in the
smaller scale of the opportunities. The indication
about the supposed freedom of the black since the
revolutionary process of 1959 presents the white elite
in power as superior and endowed with the ability to guide the destiny of all people and
particularly the blacks that they should, according to the
imagination of the dictatorship, be grateful to the revolution for having save them.
Che Guevara,  made by Fidel Castro the
greatest icon of the Cuban political process, was a rabid racist who wrote in his diary, while traveling by motorcycle across South America "Blacks, those
magnificent specimens of the African race have kept their racial purity thanks to their low inclination to
cleanliness ... the black is indolent and capricious, and spent the money on frivolities." That is the true opinion of the
Cuban regime on the dark skin.
While blacks are not displayed in real power is
for the convenience of Castro to keep them out of their white environment. The few who have climbed are virtual figures who lack intelligent incapable
to expose the racial issue for fear of losing
privileges and handouts from the Castro regime.
Juan Almeida Bosque, Esteban Lazo and Pedro Sáez,
are the few that have reached an important hierarchy within the apparatus of power. However,
their low intellectual level is a condition that serves
Fidel Castro before, and Raul, now, to keep them as decorative pieces to the people.
The only time in nearly fifty years that a Cuban
dark skin represents the country at a UN event was Esteban Lazo last September. The
prepared speech he did not know to read. The intention of the regime was to demonstrate, intentionally,
to an international level the discredit of the Cuban dark skin
as someone incapable to be structure as intelligent. The political role of the Cuban in the UN
bare the character of the racist regime who prefers
adhere to the revolutionary ideology of a white elite
rather than virtue and intelligence in the hands of
Black Cubans.
The recent appointment of Gen. Raul Gonzalez
Leuven, a dark-skinned Cuban, to the head of one
of the three great armies of the country, meets the
criticism by the agents of change on the island and
on the outside. However, these signs can not be
interpreted as changes to the racist mentality of
the regime in Havana, especially since the
marginalized sectors of society are blacks who
have the worst housing, are the majority in prisons, are not displayed in the main directional bodies
of the country, are those that receive fewer remittances, are minorities in universities, in the diplomatic body
and social structures of the regime.
They are located as the lowest part of the Cubans in the
freely convertible currency shopping centers, few have cars and the color of their
skin is linked to the social dangerousness and criminal act. Cuba-mir

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