Friday 24 June 2016

Cuban dissident calls for solidarity in the European Parliament

"When you go to Cuba to take into account the forces fighting for freedom and democracy , " said Jose Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU).
Opposition leader Jose Daniel Ferrer, who heads the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), urged Europeans to show more solidarity with the Cuban opposition for a hearing in the European Parliament politicians.
"When you go to Cuba to take into account the forces fighting for freedom and democracy. That when you go to Cuba and dialogue with the regime, with which we strongly agree, that takes into account how many programs can be possible to educate our people about and for democracy , "Ferrer said.
Ferrer, 49, told MPs that "if in Latin America, in Europe and elsewhere in the world had given greater importance to the Cuban case, then that model that can be summarized this way: as Castro - Chavista, would not have caused many problems as it is causing problems in Latin America, also in Central America, and many concerns to the Old Continent and other parts of the world in general. "
"Solidarity is what we expect as we struggle firmly," the Cuban opposition leader, who was received this week by former President Lech Walesa, founder of the Polish labor movement Solidarity, which led the fight against the Polish communist regime in the 80s .
José Daniel Ferrer con el expresidente polaco y Premio Nobel de la Paz, Lech Walesa.
Jose Daniel Ferrer with the Polish president and Nobel Peace Prize, Lech Walesa.
Ferrer arrived in Miami on 18 May, with exceptional authorization of the Cuban communist government to travel abroad only once, and has since held meetings with various political figures in the United States and Europe.
Sentenced to 25 years during the Black Spring of 2003, Ferrerfue released in 2011, after Cardinal Jaime Ortega management with the Cuban authorities, which led to the release of those convicted in that known as the Group of 75 cause.

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