Wednesday 15 June 2016

SAME STORY! US grants to Cubans: "unconventional warfare" against the revolution

Young Cubans trying to access the Internet. (EFE) 

According to the official website Cubadebate, the scholarship program for young Cubans in the United States, promoted by the State Department of that country, it represents an "unconventional warfare" whose aim is to explode the revolution.
Like everything that tends to progress, it seems that threatens the revolution, this initiative which began in January this year when the US embassy in Cuba announced the scholarship program Summer corresponding to 2016, the they can aspire, students regardless of race, gender or condition.
Freedom of thought: Weapon of war?
 According to the position of the portal "is a subversive intent" behind the program.
According to review Marti Noticias, the young freelance journalist, Manuel Diaz Mons said not to be missed with that reaction Cubadebate, and called the speech of the writer of "empty" and "does not meet target."
A majority of young people "we not interested in that he is saying the Cuban government, and we seek to move forward and grow the community, the country , " he said.
Young santaclareña Dariena Ronde Martinez believes that what the government of Cuba is afraid to ideas that lead young people to the island once conclude the curriculum.
"It 's just that when they finish and return to the island have a different mentality, other thoughts , " said the girl.
The call runs until August 15, 2016. All projects must start before September 30, 2016, according to the website of the US embassy in Havana.
The program is focused on three priority areas:
Increase entrepreneurship and economic opportunities, especially among young people and marginalized communities;
Institutional linkages between non-profit or academic organizations to improve bilateral through the promotion of education, access and use of technology, sports and associations across the Americas associations.

Promote cultural exchange and improve understanding of our common history, traditions and values ​​through innovative means.

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