Sunday 17 July 2016

Cuba and the ghost of Intranet ...

By Alejandro Rodríguez Rodríguez
Wifi Fe del Valle Park, Havana, Cuba 
Wifi del parque Fe del Valle, La Habana, CubaIt was an understandable amazement Cuban Intranet lacks attractive services, or has them , but budding. A national network based on citizens ' needs, apparently, has not been a priority for the Ministry in charge of computerizing the Cuban society.
And then ... what do ?, you ask. Well, some speculate that what they do is watch the grumblers, but that 's not really as I know , put it in the category of gossip.
When Cuba "opened" to the World Wide Web through enabling wifi zones in parks and squares, many thought that our relationship with new technologies would be quite Chinese: based on a solid Intranet that mimic efficiently the services most popular of the global network.

But it has been several years and the truth is that it does not seem that's the idea. If it were, by now the government had begun to strengthen the Cuban network, at least 2 or 3 domestic services attractive enough to dispute spaces to the international network.
What we have today in the .cu network, as a rule, is pathetic. I say "as a rule" because some services do provide excellent references, even in the vast ocean of .com. Outside of Cuba I have seen nursing students consult and praise Infomed research from the network, the Ministry of Public Health.
Intranet there is also the clothesline, the most "famous" social networks of national bill, which belongs to the Youth Club of Computing and Electronics. But the clothesline do not like; it is used more out of curiosity and because many people can not afford the $ 2 cost start making ciberamiguitos on Facebook.
Joven Club also welcomes Reflections, support called "blogs of the Cuban family." This platform itself like a bit: there are thousands of blogs that offer expressive possibilities there who do not have Internet access.
But Reflex has a serious problem censuralcoholismo: can not escape the temptation to close a blog occasionally, for "violating terms and conditions of use."
One was closed for allowing the "enemy" used the comments section to publish content against the government. He did not even directly, but your readers. And recently they did the same with the blog Project Rainbow (community activists LGBTI), for the simple fact of saying that the Cuban leaders of the historic generation have never apologized for the abuses committed against homosexuals in times of UMAP. Then they argued defamation, although it is a truth as that the Earth is round.
In the services offered Youth Club can only be accessed from its own facilities.
For we have Ecured encyclopedia, Wikipedia Cuban species from which children copy and paste information for their schoolwork. Ecured puts the official version of history is the only truth, and that any doubt about is sponsored by traitors in the service of imperialism. Extremely biased Articles do not contribute to the formation of a critical and inquisitive individual, but quite the opposite.
.cu Also is the press: hundreds-of-thousands-of-millions of local newspapers, radio stations and magazines that publish content but do not appear in the mainstream press, drag the same defects of this. For example, they have a fairly narrow than it would be a "proper and respectful" by the reader, to the detriment of participation comment concept.
In the press I've been reading about alleged progress in the computerization of banks and civil records. However, in real life, they do not advance or tails to do, just in front of the ATM to extract four pounds heavier than in the Civil Registry to give you a paper saying that you are you and that you were born on your birthday.
I do not know the routes leading this debate at the official level, if any, basically because everything related to the information discussed here on the sidelines of citizens. And in my tremendous ignorance I keep asking myself: what the fuck now prevents the institutions progress in building a functional Intranet, you give us a little life at all?
Qualified staff already have: college graduates of Computer Engineering and self - taught geeks have proved highly competent in creating digital solutions, especially if they are encouraged good.
And the lock does not serve me as specific explanation. I would, for example, if a public authority to stop and tell us exactly how much money, how many computers, meters of cable and other resources needed for me, at last !, can reserve a bloody passage Yutong, and pay from a Cuban website.
VA and maybe is not as complicated nothing the matter, and can be addressed by a national troponin 40 cents per head ... do notyou think?

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