Tuesday 2 August 2016

European parliament calls on guarantees Havana Fariñas and reminds human rights dialogue

Fariñas pronuncia su discurso de aceptación del premio Sájarov en el Parlamento Europeo, en julio de 2013. (EFE/Archivo)
Fariñas delivers his speech accepting the Sakharov Prize by the European Parliament in July 2013. (EFE / File)

The Human Rights Subcommittee of the European Parliament will closely monitor the case and respect for human rights in Cuba.
The president of the Human Rights Subcommittee of the European Parliament, Elena Valenciano, expressed "concern and solidarity" to the Cuban dissident Guillermo Farinas on hunger strike since 19 July, and called on Cuba to ensure "the integrity of their Health".
"We are extremely concerned about the health of Mr. Fariñas. I ask the Cuban Government to ensure the integrity of their health and address your request to improve the treatment of political prisoners in Cuba. We call on the Cuban Government to abide byits international commitments, contained in the Convention against Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. the subcommittee will monitor the case and respect for human rights in Cuba, this being a major cornerstone of political dialogue and cooperation agreement between the European Union and Cuba , "said the statement.
Fariñas, distinguished by the Parliament in 2010 with the Sakharov Prize for the defense of human rights, the Government demand the end of repression against dissidents and dialogue with the opposition.
Human Rights dialogue between Cuba and the US
Human Rights have been one of the most delicate in the course of contacts between the European Union and Cuba issues, dialogue on this issue has been handled in a framework of "structured dialogue" specific and parallel to the negotiations, to avoid the differences in this area prevented advance talks covering the Political Dialogue (governance, human rights, stability and international security and regional and weapons of mass destruction, among others); Cooperation Dialogue; and Economic and Trade Dialogue.
During the second round of talks on Human Rights, held in Havana in June , both sides discussed "constitutional, legal and administrative" aspects of freedom of association, including the "peaceful activists and civil society "as well as their ability to" participate freely in civil society. "
The External Action Service EU said in a statement that addressed issues such as gender equality, racism and xenophobia and the treatment of vulnerable groups such as migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
"Profound differences of positions and approaches on several substantive issues discussed were evident , " said an official statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba after the meeting.

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