Friday 5 August 2016

In memory of the victims of the Castro dictatorship, Overview of Cuba Archive's Truth and Memory Project

Dictator Fidel Castro reaffirmed that the revolution never been "tortured anyone" in a new article published today online at the official website "Cubadebate".
"We have never tortured anyone, nor deprived of someone's life by extrajudicial methods", says former Dictator, who asks: "Has not been slander the claim, millions of times repeated, that in Cuba tortured and human rights are violated? ".

Free Society Project, Inc. is a non-profit organization/think tank with tax-exempt status incorporated in 2001 in Washington, D.C.  Its purpose is to promote the understanding, recognition, and observance of human rights particularly through research and scholarship. Cuba Archive Truth and Memory Project is the organization’s flagship initiative.

For more details

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