Saturday 13 August 2016

The most coddled dictator in history

Fidel Castro these days has many reasons to celebrate its 90th birthday jubilant Not only because few politicians achieve such longevity, but because they happen to posterity as the most pampered living memory despot.
The commander will not be absolved by history, as then sentenced the slaughter of 26 July 1953 --with a phrase taken from Adolf Hitler--, but can boast of being the world champion of dictators.
No one who has not been king, emperor, prince or sheikh, has ruled for more than half a century. In 2007 dethroned champion until then, North Korea 's Kim Il Sung, who ruled 48 years. He continued to expand his world record until 2011 (52 years), when he delivered his position as First Secretary of the Communist Party (PCC).
But there 's more, the nonagenarian leader is now a deputy dictator. His brother Raul, the new Cuban Pharaoh imposed by him, not making a single important decision without consulting with your guide and hero. That is, Fidel accumulates 57 years as autocrat. And he wants to round the figure in no less than 60 years to make it unbeatable.
Castro is happy because he won the "American" war, as promised in a letter to Celia Sanchez when he was in the Sierra Maestra.His family dynasty, with his brother in front, has been legitimized by the US president, blessed by the Pope, and praised by the leaders of the European Union (EU), Latin America, and international public opinion.
Castro are both perpetrators of crimes and violations ad infinitum of human rights. Nobody seems to care that "detail". Such lack of principles in international relations puts a stamp harmful to the twenty - first century.
But what satisfies him more intimately the tyrant is that going to leave this world without the Cubans on the island have really known him. They do not know who Fidel Castro Ruz.
Neither the few elders who knew of his criminal adventures in the 40 's and early 50 can speak on the island, or can be published testimonies of those working close to him noted his contempt for Cubans, their lack of principles, fondness for physically disappear rivals and opponents, and to punish those who dare to disagree with him. Incredible paradox, the fidelistas not know Fidel. They do not know the psychopath who will do anything to maintain power.
Irresponsible "trigger happy"
Few know in Cuba that Castro entered politics a clean shot, assassinating, baleando or intimidate political rivals. He was a member of the Insurreccional Revolutionary Union (UIR), one of Havana 's political gangs, led by Emilio Tro mobster.
UIR he disputed the political control of the University of Havana to the University Students Federation (FEU), who presided Manolo Castro, whom Fidel hated for not wanting to support him in his candidacy for president of the Law School. FEU at that time was a springboard to climb the highest positions in national political life.
When Fidel wanted to join the Orthodox Party was rejected by its leader, Eduardo Chibas. "I do not want gangsters in the game ," said Chibas. Only at the insistence of Jose Pardo Llada subsequently she accepted.
Manolo Castro died in an attack in 1948, after Joseph Fallat alias "El Turquito" kill Emilio Tro, Chief Fidel gang member. It was also killed Oscar Fernandez Caralt, university police Sgt. Castro was accused of both murders, because there was testimony thatfound him guilty. Even Caralt said before he died that whoever had shot him was Fidel, according to the newspaper El Crisol.
But witnesses said the money after the father of Fidel Castro and corruption in the judicial sector was sentenced prevented.Being imprisoned, Cuba today would be a free and prosperous country, perhaps part of the First World.
Fidel also shot and wounded his political rival Leonel Gomez singled out as the murderer of Justo Fuentes Clavel, vice president of USF and colleague Fidel in the UIR. And it also shot his political rival Rolando Masferrer, who left miraculously unharmed in the attack.
Inciting a coup
They do not know the Cubans on the island who in 1951 visited the trigger cheerful young Senator Fulgencio Batista on his farm Kukine to encourage it to give a coup. The meeting requested by Castro and succeeded his brother, the politician Rafael Diaz-Balart. And he saw the journalist Antonio Llano Montes, posters magazine. Diaz-Balart revealed that being in the library Fidel told Batista that his books lacked the technique of the coup, Curzio Malaparte of.
Castro wanted the Constitution to do violence General then he start the fight against the dictatorship and take power by force.He knew that with his reputation as crazy gangster and had no chance at the polls. Was that what happened on March 10, 1952.
Seven years later, already installed in power, he turned Cuba into a colony of the USSR, suppressed civil rights, shot thousands of political opponents, forced emigration of almost two million people, impoverished Cubans to African levels, exported "revolutionary" war for Latin America. He sent death in African conflicts, thousands of young people. He enthroned the fatal hatred among Cubans, even relatives, for political and ideological reasons.
Imagine that President Barack Obama had ordered sink a boat and drown dozens of adults and children who wished to leave theUS, the downing of two civilian planes in international waters to prevent launch flyers over Miami, and the execution of three young men who tried to US to escape in a boat. Today Obama would be in jail. Castro committed all these crimes in its final stage as head of state and is universally revered.
The charism, source of legitimacy
Another reason is to celebrate Fidel is the Doctrine of the OAS Insulza, according to which a dictator is legitimate if it is left, good speaker, and long stays in power.
In 2007 the Secretary General of the OAS, the Chilean socialist José Miguel Insulza, introduced a new principle in inter - American relations. "Fidel Castro" Insulza said, "is a charismatic leader who has marked half a century of hemispheric life ... and that personality has come to impose as legitimate within the hemisphere or in Latin America a regime like that today is Cuba" .
That is, if a political leader is left, speaks pretty, assails the power to gunshots and keeps many years, he is a legitimate president, for time and personal charisma are sources of legitimacy.
Sure, Insulza never explained why they were not legitimate Somoza, Duvalier, Alfredo Stroessner, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo and other Latin American gorillas with more than 20 years as rulers.
The profile of Fidel Castro as a ruthless tyrant, their whims that Cuba became ruins, and its fascist-repressive vocation, it is not necessary to add more. Only Fidel Castro should not be honored, now or ever. It would just sit on the dock before a court in Havana or in The Hague. Along with his brother.

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