Monday, 10 September 2012

Aleida Guevara and Cuba Solidarity Campaign UK, dirty business

The current media and everything else points to an intention directed to accept the criminalization of international solidarity assistance to the Cuban internal dissidence. The tips range from those who point out that carriers of aid should be a sort of Rambos prepared for the worst, to those who accept the criminal status imposed by the military dictatorship for aid to Cuba's internal opposition.These, although they are very grateful, always go below of what invest the Raul Castro regime to support its allies abroad.

To do this, some are based on the statements of Aron Modig Swede Jens, obtained under the crossfire of BBC correspondent Fernando Ravsberg, AP correspondent Andrea Rodriguez and Colonel of the Intelligence Directorate of the Interior Ministry who served as Castro host. Perhaps worth remember that under the auspices of the former Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme,-was left, then good- Swedish aid workers supported minorities and were carrying aid and assistance that was never criminalized and never - as far as anyone can remember - someone tried to see as a crime.

In the present circumstances, the domain of the left media supporting leftist dictatorships prevents organizations that worldwide support the Cuban regime and are financed by it, to be audited in accordance with the authorizing legislation in democratic countries. It would be very edifying to know who and how much, funded various committees around the world to demand the freedom of the five convicted spies in the United States. Or who finances the student protests in Chile or who promotes and with what resources, protests of the left blessed by Havana throughout the world.

Democratic ideals are not regularly defended. It is not criminalize what someone must pretend never criminalize, this is just to put things into perspective. Allow the Cuban military Government to criminalize aid to internal dissent or someone from the exterior allow to treat as an offense the aid to Cuba's internal opposition, is certainly criminal nonsense.

paid advertisement in one of the largest newspapers in the U.S. to promote the release of the five men, gives the measure of how much reaches up the funding received by those who hired the ad. No organization of Cuban internal opposition has ever received such funding. The funny thing is, that anyone along the width and alien world has come up to criminalize such aid or put things in their true perspective, since aid or financing the Cuban military regime abroad exits directly out of the misery and pain of the Cuban people. Then, nor a penny that receives the Cuban internal opposition was or has ever been removed from the sweat of the people, sunk in the most appalling misery by its certainly opulent rulers.

The direction of the main coup of the Cuban dictatorship lies in criminalizing support to internal dissent and affirm the condition of crime, international cooperation therewith. The backdrop is the death in strange or perhaps in circumstances that already are unfortunately common, Cuban dissidents. For the occasion, the deaths of Catholic leader Oswaldo PayĆ” and his assistant Harold Cepero bring the atmosphere of mist and fear are essential. So much so that they even have hostages to hold such a position. Very interesting to know who or who contribute from the outside with this endeavour and thus leading them to the place they deserve in the infamous international altarpiece

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