Thursday, 5 May 2016

Breaking news: Grandson of Fidel Castro embarks on modeling career!

Tony Castro, son of Antonio Castro, grandson of Fidel Castro

Yep.  Damn right.  This is no joke.  One of Fidel’s grandsons is embarking on a career as fashion model.

He’s slated to model for Chanel.

Tony Castro, age 19, son of Antonio Castro, has been posing for photographers for a while, and like l

Love thyself above all others

Long live the Revolution!  Si, coño, this is what Marxism-Leninism is all about.

You need proof of the ultimate hypocrisy of the so-called Revolution, and of its evil nature and its utter failure?  Look no further than this.

The privileged children of the oligarchy do whatever they want, just like the children of any royal or noble family.

As George Orwell put it in Animal Farm, “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Fidel Castro is the biggest scam artist on the face of the earth. Tragically, he will go down as a principled marxist because his supporters in the MSM and academia still spread that lie, but any Cuban with “dos dedos de frente” [with two brain cells] knows that castro has no principles. His “revolution” was always about himself, about removing others to replace them with himself, about creating a grand latifundio [serfdom] with him as the sole feudal lord.

So much for the garbage talk about the old aristocracy and bougeoise that he repressed, imprisoned, impovished and exiled. Remember, they were supposed to be the priviledged few! As Asombra would say, Lord the nausea. I actually feel that I’m going to puke.

By the way, the irony is back in the sixties any Cuban who had hair like castro’s priviledged grandson would have been thrown in an UMAP 

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