Thursday, 5 May 2016

Mariela Castro at the Chanel fashion show: 'Everyone wants now savor and enjoy the forbidden apple'

Mariela Castro with their children in the parade of Chanel. Havana, May 3, 2016. (ON CUBA)

The director of CENESEX, Mariela Castro Said -during the Chanel show on Tuesday in Havana, an exclusive event That the police Took care to keep out MOST citizens- the fashion event is a sign That "finally opens the world to Cuba".

For the daughter of General Castro, it is for esta reason That "everyone wants to come" to the island and "know the forbidden apple" referring to the process of Thaw Between the regime and the US government.

"Everyone wants to know what happens I Told AFP stress sexologist and Those Who Had wanted a long time ago now opened His heart to Cuba and want to discover it, taste it, enjoy it and know it."

So come to Havana elite events Where only Participate elect politically correct and Committed to the dictatorship dimensional spaces shattered and old retouched Havana Knowing That All Cuba esta wretchedly impoverished, backward from all areas, only to see Those dusty villages, no lighting, no streets are That is not Cuba shops Central and Old Havana

Surface Very and indolent and cynical the infant Whose life rich can never imagine the hardships of a country That only holds by a brutal repression and Have crowded prisons, the exodus of almost biblical proportions without the government will take the time to address the issues That really Apparently overwhelm the nation now busy in What They are not and with a fever of dollars That an alienating environment in delirium.

Let's see, why not Chanel rented the Tropicana cabaret, the Hall of Lost Steps of the Capitol, Morro Castle, the Palace of the Captains General ..... but make a parade in the street, closing His people, and cathedral square! This will go down in history as the MOST exclusive and discriminatory event in the history of Cuba. Neither During the Republic and even the colony saw something!

When Castro came to power inculcu the People that the oligarchy and bourgeoisie was the One Who bourgeoisie exploited the People that buying chanel and now pulio floors of pradoi not for the people but for chanel That sells to the bourgeoisie That liquid

What They Have done is disrespectful mockery to the people I've wretch combertido of all Know That products chanel Represents the highest seam in the capitalist world quer very few can buy and less in Cuba, the people of Cuba needs a mac donald k mart That really lead to something good people but of course esta exhibition the government paid him milloes

Apple has never been banned ... just rotten to Cuba with money has gone ... Look Who wanted the works of your family from where it These Reaches stop and Where your view anything built by the Castros Been, destroyed the opposite ... the doors, windows and many buildings are giving pen to teach the world, but for you is like seeing shit building up and not want her to see.

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