Julio M Shiling
"Westminster" was the name that the Abwehr, the military intelligence agency Nazi Germany, assigned to Gabrielle Bonheur 'Coco' Chanel. Your agent number was F-7124, according to documents declassified Nazi dictatorship in 2014 by the Department of Defense of France. These were shelved as a secret for more than seven decades. The appreciation of many researchers was that the founder of the house of French billionaire fashion, Chanel, was under the command of General Walter Schellenberg intelligence chief of the SS (Schutzstaffel "Squadrons of Defense") who was sentenced in trials of Nuremberg, to six years in prison for war crimes, after the fall of fascist despotism in Europe.
What was it that brought Coco Chanel to sympathize with the Nazi occupiers? We must take into account that biographers Hal Vaughan and Henry Giddel (among others) indicate that she was not only a tacit accomplice, but an active collaborator who had the secret mission of trying to convince Winston Churchill (Chanel knew him and his son, Randolph, good) to accept a truce in 1943 that Hitler 's dictatorship was desperate.
Hans Gunther von Dincklage, a senior official of the Gestapo. For other researchers, as Tilar Mazzeo and Frank Ferrand, the predominant reason was economic.
Chanel entered into an arrangement to finance, market and distribute a branch of his fashion empire, perfume Chanel No. 5, with Pierre and Paul Wertheimer brothers in 1924. For many years after he tried to regain all the rights of its lucrative brand Perfume fruitlessly. The fact that the Wertheimer brothers were Jewish and Nazi anti - Jewish laws contained programming where Jewish property and businesses were confiscated, has convinced many biographers that Chanel had her heart and morality well stuck to your wallet. The truth is, however, that we will never know the whole, the motivations for this successful fashion designer and businesswoman couturier encamara so grotesquely with the National Socialists who occupied their country.
Chanel was not alone in that nauseating display of submission and collaboration with Nazism. Hugo Boss, the German fashion house of luxury, was part of the Nazi machinery joining the German Labor Front and the National Socialist People 's Welfare Institution, both key entities corporatist arrangement that served the Fuehrer. Hugo Boss Ferdinan, its founder, was a member of the Nazi Party. His firm designed the uniforms of the SA (Sturmabteilung) SS (Schutzstaffel), the Nazi Youth and other terror organizations NSDAP, using even composed slave labor of prisoners of war.
The list of fashion houses and fine items collaborationist is extensive. Louis Vuitton, the French luxury leather goods, slavishly operated in the Vichy regime. Christian Dior, another important goods brand fine fashion, dressed in occupied France wives and mistresses high foreign fascist hierarchy.
We could continue to provide the names of many other companies that have demonstrated a chronic moral inertia, when conducting their business activities against tyrannical regimes. It is thanks to this empirical context of relativism principles that we provide the companies mentioned, we can better understand the tragicomic spectacle that was the Chanel fashion show in Cuba.
This meeting of apparent contradictions and convergences, linking the tragedy and comedy. The tragedy first. Having a parade of high fashion in Cuba today and on a public street, is to have a gourmet food festival in Ethiopia, in the midst of famine.
If Cuba was a democracy, it would be just a very bad taste: such opulence amid so much misery to daylight.
The fact that rules in the Pearl of the Antilles a dictatorial regime of total domination, with all that this implies: the lack of basic freedoms, systematic state crimes, political, religious and social persecution, etc., converts event in a procession of ghosts that have adorned with expensive fabrics to cover up the bloody mud. It is an ethical cataclysm of high proportions. We see a particular business handled as a country that their masters put at the disposal of better pay and hard, clear currency.
It is best to see the Cuban communism whoring so magnanimously. The real Cuban brothel is on the dictatorial political power!Many years of mass mobilization to fill squares, to listen ideological downloads on egalitarianism, voluntarism, socialist morality, etc., all this to finally end up with a carnival show to entertain the bourgeois enemy, the elite in power (at the end bourgeois too) and all this feat to fill compulsorily state coffers by the inability of its anachronistic model subsidize their costs and basic needs of a people.
Having to endure an eccentric couturier Karl Lagerfeld as the walk along the Paseo del Prado as the new king of Havana, was witness surrealism in action. Public roads closed to accommodate the whims of those who come from outside and take a skeletal moral, but with the possibility of swelling the image they want to project and simultaneously, to welcome the host caste, the dictatorial leadership with his family, relatives and courtiers always, those who prototypically represent the definition of traditional hoes, those without decency or shame cuddle up to anyone in power.
Everything seemed a fantasy novel. A Disneyland for the rich clothes in the supposed paradise of workers and humble. Amazing!
Suddenly the singing of "The Internationale" seemed to have been permanently muted by the banality of engines "Fast and Furious" and chancletería models in the service of capitalist dressmakers selling clothes for wealthy and seek accommodation with political power.
What has been ridiculous socialism! What would the Spanish Communist Ibáburri old Dolores "La Pasionaria" of his Cuban proles! The uncompromising apologist red barbarism not think would find this melodramatic comedy show.
Who better than the Chanel brand to be given to this painful deed. Has plenty of experience and bone to negotiate with tyrants space to market their fabrics for the free world from a communist, poor and exploited island. With high probability, "La Pasionaria" I do not think that would approve the ridiculous parade of the French brand in Cuba. The company Chanel, however, it has been able to follow the tradition unworthy trace its founder.
jmshiling@patriademarti.com; Julio M. Shiling
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