by Rogelio Travieso Perez
On January 8, 1959, in a speech to the country from the camp of Columbia, Fidel Castro promised that within a short period, free elections would be held. They have more than 57 years have passed and have not made those choices. Fidel Castro and the highest figures were in power for life. The people left him only one option: to obey.
In Cuba the Constitution and laws are at the service of those who govern. The executive, legislative, judicial, and electoral powers, respond to the interest of the highest levels of the Communist Party.
As expressed at the Seventh Congress of the Communist Party first secretary Raul Castro, the Communist Party will continue tobe "superior force of society".
If so, the Constitution of the Republic continue to be exclusive.
Let me quote two fragments from an interview with Fidel Castro in 1965, the American photojournalist Lee Lockwood, who has recently been collected in a book.
"If you want me to speak honestly, we must retire relatively young".
" I never get to believe that a homosexual could embody the conditions that would allow considered a true revolutionary."
At the Seventh Congress of the Communist Party, Fidel Castro made a speech as a delegate. For those who are tired of the same, nothing represented such intervention. After so many years and given the critical situation, nothing of what he said is credible.There have been many failures, stories, his admiration for the former Soviet Union, Marxism - Leninism, socialism, communism, wars around the world, wastefulness, misery What has served all?
When in 1959 Fidel Castro came to power, still he had not reached 33 years. The turns 90 next August
How many times, without the people consulted him if he agreed, we hear Fidel Castro with some apocalyptic passion warn its intention to sink the island in the sea rather than surrender?
And now Castro Fidel Castro wants to preserve humanity?
In October 1962, on the responsibility of Fidel Castro, who recommended Khrushev deliver the first nuclear strike, humanity may have disappeared from the face of the earth.
Does the ruling elite intend to continue preserving the Cubans?
For more than 20 years they supplied once a month, instead of beef, a hash soy or stray cats and dogs can be eaten by the plague and bad taste.
Will they preserve the Cubans eating like crap?
Will Cubans are not considered as part of humanity that Fidel Castro wants to preserve?
Why they not properly preserved all the good that was done in Cuba before 1959? Why by default they allowed to be destroyed?
Did they able to preserve the bateyes and the sugar mills that existed long before the revolutionary hurricane arrived?
Is it or not, deception and mockery called historical leaders not young like Fidel Castro said in 1965 withdrew?
It becomes very difficult to understand that Mrs. Mariela Castro Espín to protect victims of repressors yesterday, which are the same today.
These historical leaders, taught orders or allowed inhuman abuses committed in the UMAP camps or similar great rigor and discrimination in universities, workplaces , etc.
On March 13, 1968, members of the country 's leadership, did not avoid the big mistake would be committed; but on the contrary, they supported Fidel Castro in the Revolutionary Offensive, which forced the Cubans to a total submission, depending up in the least the state.
Who paid the consequences of this exaggerated statism?
Cubans, who have been victims of totalitarianism for over half a century, can not exercise their individual rights.
I am in favor of any humanitarian work Mariela Castro Espín, can realize, of course, without going end to end, as usual accustomed Cubans. While it is imperative that this work be expanded in the defense of all rights, political, social and economic, and that will express solidarity with the defenseless women of the Ladies in White movement who are abused, weeks after weeks, to fight peacefully for human rights.
In the aforementioned book by Lee Loockwood, journalist refers spent seven days on the Isle of Pines, with Castro and medical René Vallejo: in a cabin with all the comfort and air conditioning in all rooms, noting ironically, these computers were manufactured in the United States
Did Fidel Castro has not spent his life in war against the Americans?
Those who rule in Cuba, have experienced similar or better than the wealthier capitalist way. Why do you need to hurry?
And they speak of prosperous socialism! So much deception, mockery, hypocrisy and manipulation, and tires! Enough, it is too!
rotravep@gmail.com; Rogelio Travieso
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