Thursday 16 February 2017

Alejandro Castro Espín Proposes For Presidency Of Cuba

A Facebook group from the Argols organization has issued a letter proposing that a son of Raúl Castro assume the presidency of Cuba as if we had not had enough with 2 Castros and 58 years of backwardness and oppression. The group has even changed the name to: committee for the candidacy of Alejandro Castro Espín.
The letter is signed by a lady in New York and the alleged news agency is based in Miami.
It seems that this way begins to feel the ground to pass the throne in Cuba to the third Castro.
Here the letter integrates as it has been published:
'ArgosIs-COMITÉ Alejandro for President of Cuba' 
We: Members of 'The Executive', 'Interlaced Members', 'Founding Members', 'Collaborators' and 'Member of Support Groups' of the 'ArgosIs-International' Information Agency on the Network, Latin America ',' Caribbean ',' United States', 'European Union', 'Africa', 'Asia' and 'Social Movements' 
The creation of the 'Committee of Support for the Candidature for the Presidency of the Republic of Cuba of' Alejandro Castro Espín '... 
First: The Deputy, and Member of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party (CCP), Colonel Alejandro Castro Espín, is an intelligent, educated, charismatic person formed within the VIVA Revolution and represents a sector of the population of the Republic of Cuba, which is extremely powerful, which is YOUTH ... He is a Cuban engineer and a master's degree in International Relations ... Researcher on issues related to Defense and National Security ... Author of the book Imperio del terror (2009) ... 
Second: The Deputy Alejandro Castro Espín stands out for its image strength with values ​​that human being would like to have of history ...
Photo used in publication
Third: Cuban man with commitment of dedication and passion for freedom and emancipation of the human being, from there born his commitment to integral education ... 
Fourth: Why not highlight your family heritage, when humanity is covered with similar stories that stand out and identify with the best? ... Let us review contemporary history and it will not be difficult to know what we mean, eliminate prejudices For the benefit of the Cuban people, it is no secret to anyone that there are more than 50 years of accumulated difficulties in Cuban society that we must eliminate for the benefit of the nation and its progress ... 
We subscribe the following Committee to Support the Candidacy of Deputy Alejandro Castro Espín to the Presidency of the Republic of Cuba: 
We: Members of 'The Executive', 'Founders', 'Interlaced Members', 'Contributors' and 'Members of Support Groups' of the ArgosIs-International Information Agency on the Network, on 03 February 2015 in the City of New York, United States of America ... 
Lic. Damaris Pérez Cortina (MF-Cuba).
President of the 'Alejandro's Committee for President of Cuba'.
Editor of 'ArgosIs-Radio Titan' ... 
…'There are men that fight one day and are good.
There are others that fight for a year and are better.
Some fight for many years and are very good.
But there are those who fight for a lifetime: Those are the essential '... 
'ArgosIs-International' is a Social Networking Information Agency (POR NOW) based in the City of Miami, Florida, United States; Founded in 1991 ... Web: http: // ... Member of the 'Latin American Federation of Journalists' (FELAP) ... Web: http: // ...

Monday 13 February 2017

How does the Cuban live? (II)

by  Eduardo Maro (PD) Within Cuba, despite the propaganda, there are several classes of Cubans. Social classes antagonistic worse than in capitalism, because the superior has all the power and stifles and crushes the others below, when we should all be equal.
Before 1959, the wealthy and powerful did not conceal themselves to be one, nor did they pretend that those below would believe otherwise.
The visitor (very hypothetical and improbably) to a residence in the elegant and expensive neighborhoods of yesteryear (Siboney, Atabey, Cubanacan, Nuevo Vedado, Kholy) where political leaders and senior military residences, heavily guarded neighborhoods, will see a house Which takes half a block, a high wall around it that makes it impossible to see inwards. If you are invited to enter, you will notice how well-kept the place, domestic employees, well-stocked pantry, exaggerated spaciousness, a fifty-inch flat screen TV on with availability of several foreign cable channels, including CNN; You probably see several desktops in the rooms, some laptop lying on the sofa, connected to the Internet. There will be attached a garage for three cars, usually Audi, Mercedes, BMW or VW.
Its residents will tell you that Cuba is the best in the world and that its sovereignty, idiosyncrasy and government system must be respected.
For this kind of new socialist wealthy does not really matter money (though they have it), but power, relationships and influences. This group has no need to violate any law or regulation, at least visibly. These people have their exclusive shops and markets, as well as their clinics. You will visit, less difficult, an apartment in Miramar, spacious, where they may rent to tourists. They may have a fifty-inch TV, but they will no longer have cable channels or satellite antenna. You will discover later, as you make friends with these people, that even though they may be adept at government, they pay some other neighbor for a clandestine cable to be able to see the Spanish-speaking American stations, which is a sin in this nation , So if they are discovered they will impose high fines, and they will remove the cable and the antennas. Cubans can only watch official TV. Except those of the upper class.
The owner of the house will arrive in his car Lada, or Geely, in very good condition and leave it in the exclusive and guarded parking of the basement.
These two previous homes will always have central air conditioning. Almost all of its inhabitants are sullen and tend to speak little to each other, outside of their inner circle, although they are very polite and kind when the case comes. They are decidedly socialists or revolutionaries.
It will be more affordable to get to a house in Centro Habana, Diez de Octubre or Old Havana in a good construction state and enter a home of very friendly people, usually with some private business as rent rooms to tourists (not Cubans) Or some elegant cafeteria or palate (restaurant). You'll see a twenty- or thirty-inch flat-panel TV. You will notice an average comfort. They may have the cable (illegal antenna) but they will be very cautious with this and turn the equipment off when strangers arrive. They may be musicians, renowned artists, artisans, successful literati, or half-bred bandits (white-collared people belong to the upper classes). They attend the same markets as everyone else below, but they have higher incomes so they are better served. They will attend the same hospitals and polyclinics as the ones below, but because they can leave more tips, they will not suffer the long waits for the absences of doctors, or other essential personnel, or the serious shortages of medicines that do not know those of above. These people are quietly silent their political opinions. They fear losing what little they have or have achieved with so much effort.
To the homes of people of the lower class you can enter very easily if invited. They are always extremely friendly and if they have a TV it is some old. The doors are kept open. There are no antennas or cables. The furniture is old and can be dirty. If they see computer it will be a P3 or something similar, already cacharreado. Boys will have old IPhone's with scandalous games or music incorporated. They usually dress and peel in the style of American rappers, regardless of race. They will always have few material supplies (they will appreciate you giving them twenty cuc, which will go directly and immediately to the nearest market) and many difficulties with transportation, the very inefficient health system, the unfriendly and rough police, inspectors, etc. Their homes do not have a garage, and if they have a car, it will be a rebuilt antediluvian tank-style war tank, designed to carry numerous passengers through the shattered streets. If there is a garage, it will be external and made with oxidized steel plates or other waste materials. These are the workers or workers of all kinds, who survive on a tiny salary and invented something that gives them a little more cash to survive. The vast majority is not hidden to express their discontent with the government, in various degrees according to their information and intelligence. Some old communists will be reluctant to criticize the system even though they are visibly going badly: they instilled in them.
The ultra-low class resides in the many suburban slums or in areas where there are also very central urban slums, including El Vedado, the old center of the city (today there is no defined center). This is the undeveloped southern part of Old Havana, much of Downtown Havana, very deteriorated, El Cerro, La Lisa, and another very large part of the present urbanizations. It is not advisable to visit non-residents and unfamiliar with these places. They are never welcome, and if they are, they will not come out well. Here are the chronic unemployed, drug traffickers and all sorts of things. Police and other authorities make little inroads into these homes. The dwellings are usually smelly covillas, often lacking in potable water, or poorly built mansions built with no plan or previous design, prison-style latticework to prevent theft. Those who can devote some thought to politics are aggressively opposed to the government.Many are illegal in the capital and reside in arrival-and-pon and very isolated houses, hidden and illegal, made with any material in generally unhealthy places. 
Unfortunately, the lower and upper classes belong to ninety percent of the urban population.
In the countryside, they usually live in unhealthy housing and enjoy little culture in proportion to the Cuban average. They do not have remarkable electronic artifacts, much less computers or Internet access. Their international information is very scarce and they tend to believe in official propaganda.; Eduardo Maro

Questions to Josefina Vidal and her bosses

By Paulino Alfonso,
 (PD) The Castro regime, through its official Josefina Vidal, warned before Trump was installed in the White House, which will not accept pressure, conditioning or aggression in its relations with the United States.
Since Castroism and the Obama administration began a process of thawing, 20 bipartite meetings have been signed on all important issues that have only been reported by the official press in a small, closed format.
There were still important issues pending in that normalization process that the Obama administration did not want to solve or left Trump to get them in trouble with a very important segment of the Hispanic population in the US: the Cuban.
Trump, although during the campaign said that he approved of relations with Cuba, but that in its mandate it would look for a better agreement, closer to the interests of the United States, to the death of Fidel Castro described as "a brutal tyrant".
However, the regime has remained discreet about not only these, but all Trump's statements. Even all Cuban officials have refrained from giving direct answers pending an official position of Trump as President-in-Office.
In that sense, Josefina Vidal said that it is too early to predict what policy towards Cuba will follow the new government and even pointed out that not all officials nominated by Trump have tough positions towards Cuba.
"There are also other officials, businessmen Trump has appointed in government roles, who are in favor of business with Cuba, who think that the United States will benefit from cooperation with Cuba on issues related to National security of the United States ".
Before the enigmatic declarations of the regime, I ask myself several questions.
Apart from regulating the border status with the US and improving the tense relations that have always existed between the US government and the Castro regime since 1959 and seek to harmonize the application of norms that more effectively combat terrorism and narco trafficking, Why does not Castro consider allowing a more effective collaboration with the DEA?
Why does the regime not review the salary policy it applies to all the Cuban unarmed people who render their services in more than 70 countries to prevent them from having to escape?
Why are they mourning lamentations against Urbi and the Orbi for not having sufficient funding for Cubans to have Internet service in their homes? The expense could be paid by friends or relatives anywhere in the world. It would only be enough that in a visit to the island they left to their relatives a laptop with the service installed and paid.
Where were the good omens Mr. Obama made to those exultant "entrepreneurs" so televised?
The response to these and other questions that I do not consider or formulate to avoid redundancies, the regime relates only to the everlasting lack of liquidity that trumpets, despite the fact that since the year 2002, Chavez has received no less than 12 billion Dollars annually, enough to install a system that even Haitian impoverished can have in their homes.; Paulino Alfonso

What comes in perspective

Resultado de imagen de cuba miedo la dictadura en cadenados

(PD) The move to a corporate form, capitalist and with an innocuous fascist court seems to be the outlet for a Castroism at certain risk of announced collapse.
Although it is only usually spoken of the clientele framework assembled with enough time for the occasion, there are more. It is not just the familiar framework, that includes all the political and economic powers in the hands of the Castro clan.
Let us dwell on the all-embracing mandate of a single ruling party and of a parliament where until today there has never been a vote against the mandate of the executive figure of the clan.
This is reinforced by the well articulated fear that descends as the only bar of equality between all the estates and structures of the very sick Cuban society.
Beyond the above, the hidden political capital of the totalitarian military regime also includes its servile bureaucracy, which compensates with its unconditionality the privilege of stealing at will, the genuflex intelligentsia ready to support everything in exchange for the opportunity of Travel and have some material prerogatives, and the servility present in the Catholic Church and others of Christian confession, all of them guided by the Department of Religious Affairs of the ruler and only party, which seems to have begun with the promotion of a new santeria according to Its purposes.
To all this must be added a repressive apparatus that controls all facets, edges and sectors of Cuban society. The repressors are present and attentive to the intimate life of each and every one, from generals without battles, heirs without glory, to people of foot.
The jewel of the crown in this condition could be the brilliant performance of its special intelligence and counterintelligence services in the United States and to a lesser extent in Europe.
The penetration of Castroism in this sense goes far beyond the mass media and academic media. At least in the United States, they have done so in political circles and in areas as sensitive as intelligence activity in the Department of Defense. The case of Ana Belén Montes is more than illustrative in this sense.
The necessary condition for the eventual legalization of a loyal opposition has already been created, in which those approved by the regime and its special services will be present. The ever-servile Catholic Church, the new Santeria, the new journalism and every marvelous opponent, awarded, awarded and promoted within this carnival.
A significant step that should not be overlooked is the controlled emergence of the self-employed. We say controlled, because everything is within the Cuban society. These are pseudo-entrepreneurs approved by the internal control and repression apparatus. People in whom the regime can trust and that will not leave the lane established by the great military holders.
It is to be hoped that Cuba will soon be a new state-pattern-quincalla, with a cut similar to Viet Nam, but with the aspiration 'Gaésica' in a future, to mimic the putinesca Mafioso Russia.
Envoys of GAESA, (the pool of Castro's military) travel through US enclaves and negotiate trade and investment for their military companies. Diplomats, business executives and officials from the ministries of Transport, Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment and diplomats move there. They are looking for commercial links and especially opportunities for foreign investment in the country, the Cuban Embassy in Washington DC said in a statement.
GAESA is the military holding company that became the largest business emporium in Cuba. A monopoly that includes more than fifty companies owned by the Castro praetorian guard, the Revolutionary Armed Forces, operated under a rigid and secret financial regime.
It is the capitalist element that will make the transition to corporate fascism that will succeed the failed Marxist socialism.
Most remarkable of all is that they intend to make it possible with "the generous and disinterested help" of the beloved enemies of the North.
It is possible to establish the parallelism between the discrimination against Cuban nationals today, from hotels owned by the United States, with the profits that the military will obtain from these hotels and the latest measures taken against Cubans, starting with the most recent legal pruning Feet, "wet, dry feet".
What arrives in perspective is the fascist totalitarian antidemocratic Castro, happily financed and supported from the United States.
What will President Trump do? That remains to be seen.; Writing Habana

A renewed personality cult, Goebelian and post modern

(PD) The imprint chosen to give continuity to the cult of the personality of the late ex-dictator Fidel Castro has specificities. He does not want statues that could be shot down at the time of the regime's fall. Their remains are sheltered from desecration.
Certainly, it is not known with certainty how Fidel Castro died and much less, where his remains are.
The cult of the missing Commander does not cease. The saturator bombarded his image and the litany of his deeds and words in the press, radio and TV, which began months before his death, as his 90th birthday approached, is still going on.
It is managed to poison many from the television screens and the radio waves from virtual pitfalls erected in the collective imagination. All through the proper use of hidden persuaders amid an absolute mediaeval Goebelian saturation. It can be said that after dying he has been able to annoy even more than when he was alive.
According to the imprint marked by the late Fidel Castro, the totalitarian and dynastic military regime that he founded, he is even more ready to repress, imprison, beat, and even kill.
It is known that this regime feels very free to fill all these gloomy expectations with the pact reached with the countries of the European Union, which repealed the Common Position towards this dictatorship.
Maintaining the influence of such a nefarious political pheromone affirms to the Castro regime totalitarian military to emphasize the cult to the personality and imprint of the deceased dictator. They have already gone beyond ridicule with the slogans: "I am Fidel", "We are all Fidel", "Raúl is Fidel" and others aimed at quelling the growing rejection of the Castro dictatorship within Cuba.
The late dictator Fidel Castro placed himself in the pillory of public opinion for refusing to accept any kind of change or anything that smells of democracy.
Fidel Castro was seen in public sometimes in 2012 and 2013. Then he was seen in January 2014 in the opening of a cultural center. After that date, he appeared in photos of dignitaries who visited his home in Havana. His last appearance was on August 13 last year, on his 90th birthday.
In recent years, Castro has appeared in public occasionally. He was seen in photos and videos in which he usually appeared with guests. He wrote hundreds of columns for the official media. From this platform there has been a post-modern and Goebelian projection of a neo-cult of personality that takes as platforms to the television space, radial and even walls and walls of the city graffiti in this sense.
Within a tight system of absolute totalitarian control, opponents attempted multiple forms of protest and resistance to make their demands visible. These started in protests of "planted" prisoners who at the time refused to wear prison uniforms, hunger and thirst strikes and lately the peaceful walks of the Damas de Blanco and opponents linked to the campaign #TodosMarchamos.
The abominable cult of the personality of the late dictator Fidel Castro seems to be the last of the last political offers that Castro's totalitarian military regime exposes to the people of Cuba. This is a further attempt to give permanence and continuity to the oldest dictatorship and even the most cruel of the continent.
As accounts in tax havens are not enough for everyone, it is a question of strengthening the clientelistic mechanisms of some armed servants of this regime from bribes and other corrupt.; Writing Habana

Friday 3 February 2017

Che Guevara interviewed by Liza Howard

(PD) The television program Pupil Stunned, who heads Iroel Sanchez and leading journalist Karen Brito, presented the past two weeks, divided into two parts,the interview in February 1964 perform to Che Guevara, for ABC , The then very popular American journalist and presenter Liza Howard.
I saw with great interest the two parts of the interview, since until that moment I had only been able to see and listen to Che Guevara on television in a fragment of that speech at the UN - I do not know if the same one in which he admitted that in Cuba There had been shootings and there would still be them - where he warned that "in Yankee imperialism could not be trusted even a little bit like this."
Karen Brito, Iroel Sánchez and Fidel Díaz Castro, the director of El Cayman Barbudo, also a regular on the show, seemed to be ecstatic about the words of Che Guevara and just praised his clairvoyance.
To me, Guevara's behavior during the interview and, above all, his responses to Liza Howard, fully confirmed what I had always thought: that the guy, besides being a psycho, was a perfect idiot.
Smoking a huge tobacco and with a beard that demanded to comb and scissors, Che Guevara, during the interview, that took place in his office in the Ministry of Industries, was arrogant, socarrón and cynic. It seemed that he was in the presence of a dangerous enemy, and not a journalist, who, moreover, was a beautiful woman.
Some of Guevara's responses to Liza Howard were anthological, as in denying that Communism was incompatible with the idiosyncrasy of Cubans, that the Cuban economy was a disaster, when it refused to explain - not to give information to the enemy - if the American embargo was effective in causing damages to the revolutionary regime, and above all, when he affirmed that the bureaucracy was a backwardness of the capitalist past and soon would be extinguished.
What would Che Guevara say, the then Minister of Industries who had already been president of the National Bank, if he saw that more than half a century after that interview, the bureaucracy, far from over, is growing stronger and more corrupt, and The obstacles to the attempts to reform the system - the so-called updating of the economic model - is the most serious threat to what is left of the Fidel Castro revolution.
What's up! Pictures of the iconic Argentine revolutionary, hanging on the wall or under the glass of the bureau, preside over the offices of many of these corrupt bureaucrats, the piranhas of olive green socialism, who claim to love him as much as Commissar Iroel Sánchez and his Castro-Guevarist comrades The Asked Pupil.; Luis Cino

How does the Cuban live? (I)

(PD) Because of the intelligent practice, many foreigners interested in knowing the reality of how we exist and survive Cubans, seek in the media, because they are supposed to be the most know.
But in Cuba, the media are the exclusive property of the government and present an elaborate image of our society where everything seems to be right. In the NTV it is rarely reported on something that is wrong or some mistake of the infallible leaders. It is as if the whole population lived happily and accepted their situation.
The most sagacious investigators, surprised by the rampant chauvinism and the obvious politicization of information, will seek alternative or alternative means, but will not find them within the island. You will find them outside the geography controlled by the government. Numerous publications of all kinds far from governmental control will inform you. And he will be scared to see the number of problems that according to these means exist. Are not you exaggerating?
Then, if you can, the enthusiast with socialism, the lover of the Caribbean and its excellent beaches and mulattoes (according to tourist brochures), and even the right-wing skeptic, will pay a trip to this wonderful island to check on its own where it is the truth.
Then you will most probably arrive on the island by plane, worse by boat, and begin to notice immediately the intense visual political propaganda that reaffirms that here we are all happy, that we have a very special and complete educational system, an incredible health system, Where there are so many doctors who even export them, that there are no guns in the street, not so much crime, that you do not see so many super-armed police and they behave polite and friendly when interacting with tourists and residents; That old people see in the parks and esplanades doing exercises to conserve their good physique or simply sunbathing, their daily life safe; That children and young people are all in uniform and in their schools; That the mulattoes, blacks and whites, in that order, in the streets, give visitors beautiful and attractive compliments filled with interesting propositions; That in hotels there is everything and the staff is very well trained, it is very helpful and friendly.
It will be mounted on some air-conditioned bus and a well documented and friendly guide will show you Havana, or the city you like. You will return to the airport and you will be convinced that this island is your favorite place to live when you retire.
Some, very few, will discard the canned trips, the elegant and comfortable proposals of, for example, to see our countryside from behind the inked crystals of a refrigerated transport, and will go on foot. It will come out of what the tourist guides say. Then, if they do not rob him and steal his money and documents, or kill him, or do not stop State Security for a spy suspect, he will know the truth, the daily reality of each of the nationals.
But not everyone will tell. You have to prove that it is not some undercover government agent, or a plainclothes policeman, or some sneaking trigger to get you information, some of that. Look for someone who does not work for the authorities, who is not self-employed tourism or too stupid. Then you will hear the things you did not want to hear. Probably much more than you suspected, and you will be sad.
Sad because Cuba today is so full of contradictions that could be solved with only a few simple solutions, such as, say, change of government. It is so full of human misery because of the great stress of the population to survive, it is so full of garbage, hunger, malicious inefficiencies, chronic hypocrisy ...; Eduardo Maro

Monday 19 December 2016

Castro and human dignity

Leaving aside the celebrations on the streets of Miami, the most widespread reaction among Cubans to the death of Fidel Castro, inside and outside the island, seems to be the relief. One of the greatest narcissists in history, the father of almost 60 years of national torment, has returned to the dust from which he came. That is a comfort.
Castro left behind a prosperous and promising land in abject poverty. But his legacy is far worse than the material ruin of a country. His insatiable appetite for absolute power was demonstrated in an obsession with hunting to the last unconformity, taking away from the population his human dignity.
It is worth remembering this reality in moments when the world offers retrospectives on the life of Castro, almost always adding that the tyrant gave Cuba a great health system. If that were true, it would not justify their brutality. And it is not true, as we discovered in 2007, when Cuban doctors made mistakes in their treatment for diverticulitis and a Spanish specialist had to travel to save it. The truth is that human life does not matter to the regime.
Castro was driven by a maniacal ambition to possess and dominate the Cuban soul. There is no place where the consequences can be seen more than in the extremely high rates of abortion in the country. In a Nov. 22 article for the Cubanet site, independent journalist Eliseo Matos cited an abortion study conducted by Cuban doctors Luisa Álvarez Vásquez and Nelli Salomón Avich. They found that since 1980, a third of Cuban pregnancies have been disrupted.
Equally disturbing is that abortion rates are high among adolescent girls and are often required by the state. One does not have to be religious to see this as a national existential crisis, a reflection of a society that fights against nihilism.
This did not happen overnight. It is the result of decades of living under a dictatorship that demands total submission to the will of a person.
In a 1986 interview with the Los Angeles Times, Armando Valladares, who was a prisoner of Castro for 22 years, described the regime's use of "drawer cells" in its dungeons. Five or six prisoners were confined for days in these narrow spaces of 1.8 meters in length. "They had to sit with their knees against their bodies. There was no room to move; The prisoners had to urinate and defecate there, "Valladares explained.
All kinds of torture were used in order to "break the prisoner's resistance," Valladares said. If a prisoner said that "he was wrong, he denied his religious beliefs, asserting that they came from the dark ages and if he admitted that he now understood that communism was the solution to the problems of humanity and he wanted the opportunity to re-enter the new communist society , Then he could leave the cell and move to a re-education farm. "
There could be no greater power, no one more adored than Fidel. God was a problem, so priests and nuns were arrested and exiled, religion was banned and the regime did everything possible to destroy the Cuban family.
In 1997, Christmas was legalized and the Catholic and Protestant churches slowly gained some space. But this was allowed as long as the teachings on the sacredness of human life did not interfere with the control of the regime. Therefore, Cardinal Ortega of Havana distances himself from the dissident group of Catholic women known as the Ladies in White, although they are frequently beaten in the streets.
In a system in which all must submit to the state, it is not surprising that abortion rates are particularly high among adolescent girls. Children learn about human sexuality from their communist teachers, in purely mechanical terms, of course. Generations of adolescents have been removed from their families and sent to labor camps as part of their indoctrination.
As Valladares wrote in The Wall Street Journal in May 2000, "away from paternal supervision for nine months, children suffer from venereal diseases as well as teenage pregnancies, which inevitably end in forced abortions." Another reason for the high rates of teenage abortions is that teenage prostitutes now occupy the streets of Havana, working to earn foreign exchange from tourists.
Abortion is also a key tool of the regime for its "health". Any pregnancy considered as risky is terminated immediately, a decision that the State takes. This reduces the rate of infant mortality, which is used by Cuba to impress the world with its "progress."
However, Cuba has not achieved anything special regarding infant mortality. In a December 1 blog entry on the Cato Institute's HumanProgress website, Marian Tupy noted that between 1963 and 2015, child mortality in Cuba fell by 90%, while in Chile it fell by 94%. In Latin America and the Caribbean in general has fallen 86%.
The only singular achievement of Fidel Castro was 57 years of repression that sought to exterminate any meaning of the lives of those who lived under his yoke. 
O'; Mary Anastasia O'Grady 
Taken from: The Wall Street Journal

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Do most Cubans feel the death of Fidel Castro?

by Manuel A Morejon Soler 

Since retiring ten years ago, Fidel Castro was a political corpse. But he died and the Cubans received the orientation of crying.
Is it sincere the regret of the Cubans that is shown in the official media? Is it the majority?
As always, the official media have supported this new farce of the regime: "the pain of the Cubans for the death of Fidel."
There are Cubans who are in some way committed to the regime and who have suffered the death of their leader, but they are not the majority.
Recall that there are 700 000 members of the Communist Party. And in Cuba there are more than eleven million inhabitants. 
Were the homage to the deceased leader spontaneous?
The students, wearing their school uniforms, were taken to the funeral of Fidel Castro. They are indoctrinated in schools, but when they get tired of the limitations imposed on them, they become the main detractors of the regime. 
They also took employees from many work centers. They had no choice but to go, not to be "dirty", "not to be noted".
A spontaneous concentration was the one that occurred in the Ciudad Deportiva, last March, when the concert of the Rolling Stones. Nobody came because the government called it. People went by their means, rock'n roll.
But there were calls and attendance lists for Fidel Castro's funeral.
Authorities placed transport to transport workers and students, and printed pullovers for the occasion. 
Everything was a circus, magnified by the official means.
The Spanish theologian José Antonio Fortea recently commented: "The time is up for Fidel Castro. Now there is no power on earth, no saint or angel who can grant him forgiveness. Now he is alone, with his soul. Locked up in the terrible prison of his soul. In the dark realm of Satan or in the immaterial prisons of the place of purification. He, who sentenced so many (...) will no longer find forgiveness in this world or in heaven.
The journalist Fernando Dámaso wrote: "After these nine days, declared of national mourning, and forced the population of all ages to mourn by prohibitions of all kinds, and to sign a commitment of loyalty that soon will be forgotten and very few will fulfill, the Life on the Island, now totally paralyzed, must start. The question is, what will happen? " 
On October 23, 1995, Fidel Castro, interviewed by CNN, said: "What will stop in Cuba after my death is not my problem; Is a problem of others ... The dead do not think ".
He forgot to think about God's opinion. 
Regarding whether Fidel Castro benefited the humble at some point in history, let me quote José Martí, when in a letter to Fermín Valdés Domínguez, May, 1894, he referred to "... the ambitious, that to rise in the World, begin to pretend, to have shoulders to rise, frantic defenders of the homeless ... ¨