Thursday 21 July 2016

Murderers of women

I looking  at the Cuban Television News, it remains to laugh. Recently they got a very funny news: "They give recognition to Fidel Castro social educator". Besides comparing him to José Martí.
438_yamile-bargesWhat ways have to fool the world! But the people of Cuba do not deceive: the people already know them , only they fear them.And they have reason to fear.
Last weekend, I had to arrive on Saturday at the headquarters of the Ladies in White, in the neighborhood of Lawton, which for us is free territory of Cuba to be there on Sunday.
All Damas de Blanco, opponents and independent journalists who support us have to come on Saturday, almost furtively, because Sunday is impossible. The agents of the State Security invade the whole neighborhood and arrest us.
The house is monitored by cameras and know who we get. On Saturday night, I received a message to the mobile of the head of the repressors, who calls Luisito. She was warning him to Berta Soler, the leader of the Ladies in White, that if she let me out, he was responsible for what happened to me because of my poor health.
These murderers only know how to threaten. Berta Soler is not who drags us and strikes. If the Ladies in White are brutally beaten and abused, they are the only culprits. Our leader looks after us like a mother, is aware of the needs of all. They would have to see the air you breathe peace in that house.
The government hates and fears Berta Soler because not have been able to break.
Berta did not let me leave. I was at headquarters. I saw from the portal all the repression. I accompanied a journalist, whom the security agents of the State, through the bars, trying furiously to grab the camera.
Two hours before the ladies come out to shout for freedom of Cuba, for political prisoners and all the freedoms that denies us the dictatorship, and the front of the seat was full of people who had been sent to repress. The saddest thing: led many children between 8 and 12 years. Also the elderly who are not in their full powers, it is perceived by the naked eye by their faces and trembling hands. Involving people of very low cultural level, screaming and even dance to the beat of a conga with extremely vulgar movements, striving to show joy, with the security that gives the government power to mistreat others without suffering any consequences. His dress reveals the misery in which they live. This is the valiant people they can find to support them . Also they abuse them.
When the Ladies in White leave, all, blind hate, what commanded them cry. The obscenity prevail ...
They are very hard times. The Ladies in White, with its leader ahead, cry freedom for Cuba. Immediately agents of State Security and the PNR, come to beat them . They sit in the street to avoid beatings, but these murderers drag them , the leaders only observe.
The Luisito was beckoning me that I left for also hit.
A shock and as if they were heading to the slaughterhouse sealed up for a bus. There are cuffed.
I could see that here, outside the headquarters, do not hit as much as they did in the All 3rd march and repression 26. There was thickens, we do not know that we were filming. If any journalist dared to film, he broke or detracted camera or mobile at thetime, and were beaten and detained.
This is one of the mechanisms used for the truth of Cuba remain in the shadows.
They took the space that the Ladies in White for years we won, do not let us enter the church of Santa Rita, parading down 5th Avenue, or meet at the Gandhi park, all peacefully, but lost a little privacy to abuse while traces.
Now they do the same or worse. Inside the bus hit a cuffed women are devastating blows when they have to lead us to a hospital, almost always to the Calixto Garcia, but the diagnoses are unreliable, they do not agree that is known of their beatings.Unfortunately there are physicians who provide, frightened or not this infamy.
There are no words for what the Castro. Well, just this: women are murderers.
Francisco de Quevedo said: "Where there is little justice, is dangerous to be right."; Yamile Bargés Hurtado, Lady in White

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