Wednesday 20 July 2016

Repression increases even more ... Why?

Many inside and outside Cuba and seeking an answer to a logical reason for the most recent repressive actions of Castro 'stotalitarian military regime increase. Among the many seekers of truth, certainly they are those who know the essence of what the term 'totalitarianism' covers.
438_MAS-REPRESION-POR-QUEIt has circulated a cautionary tale about the term involving that memorable monster called or was called Stalin. According to the history of yore, Stalin chatted with some colleagues, while a hen pecked in that environment. To graphically demonstrate their views on governance, took the hen, plucked with the delicacy that characterized both his act as its authentic feel and then the poor animal to ward off the harsh sun, was placed in its shadow.
Thus, Stalin emphasized the totalitarian social engineering. That hen represented at that time the Russian people always suffered, but if transpolamos time, space and circumstances, could be the Cuban people and Stalin a representation of what the Castro for the people of Cuba. Within this concept the main ally of totalitarianism, would be shared misery and total dependence of every citizen to power all tax.
This can make it very bad off the promotion and beliefs about the role to play in the future in Cuba called "entrepreneurs" and the small private company linked to them. This could be another hen to pluck at the time when necessary. Time will tell…
Some consider the "unilateral thaw" opened by US President Barak Obama, is the cause of increased repression and this is not entirely so.
If I say "unilateral thaw", it is because for the Castro regime, the United States remains "imperialism" and according to this political discourse, it is "the greatest enemy of humanity". So they have said and so they say.
So, although it is unlikely that the United States agree to replace the Chavista Venezuela in support of Castro 's totalitarian dictatorship, there are considerations to take into account in this regard. Castro 's know this and they play today and will play in the future, do it within these coordinates.
For Castro, the big problem is that in the United States too many decent Americans who do not allow run without consequences unseemly things.
But it is very true that today, Caracas and Washington are the points of greatest interest to the Castro regime, as Moscow is far away and not in the best conditions.
This is in addition to that extreme poverty has another face, and this is not very flattering to the Castro regime.
Repression grows because the Cuban people gradually lose their fear. At some point it will no longer fear more repressors that sharks Straits of Florida and the jungles and traffickers in South America, then it would come the scenario most feared or who truly fear.
Every day the population manifests itself most critically and every day there are more citizens in the ranks of the peaceful opposition or in collaboration with this in multiple ways.
The current scenario before it the Castro military regime is that of pro - democracy activism further represented by emerging players emerged from misery and involves popular. Fortunately for them, they are in many cases unknown or not well recognized by developers par excellence from outside.
Most regime 's repression is aimed at stopping uncontrolled time now emerging force. You can already counted them as future "collateral damage" to glorify. These "collateral damage" to their risk guarantee, blows they receive, their miseries and hardships, better able to travel and perform important political task performed elected.
The good news and positive thinking in this regard is to assume that these "collateral losses" have been negotiated between them or with the Yankee ones, but not with the Cuban government. Let 's hope so.
In the field of free press and freedom of press, this pattern seems to repeat itself and could have "collateral losses". Havana Times and OnCuba have offices in the capital and a tolerance that could be wielded outside Cuba as a very positive evaluative index that the Castro regime change for the better.
From the United States work very well funded for promoting a "free" press, to deal with issues that do not irritate the Cuban regime projects. On this, I repeat, I hope that everything has been negotiated between them or with the Yankees ones, but not with the Cuban government. Let 's hope so and that the "collateral damage" to come, many are not stained hands and consciences.; Juan González

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