Sunday 7 August 2016

They divided though they can not overcome

Castro 's system, in its 57 years of existence, as a method of domination, has been expert in fuel conflict among Cubans, distrust, envy, hatred and snitching.
In the early years, invoking the class struggle was the hatred of the bourgeoisie, understood as such not only wealthy but also refined people and good manners, or simply saying Mr. and Mrs. instead of partner and companion or they employed as suspicious and reminiscent of the capitalist past as "good morning" and "thank you very much , " phrases. From that time, when they finished with the "bourgeois values" which were not such, but values ​​to dry, come many of today 's ethical problems, to which the mandarins put face I did not go while saying that "we must recover values ​​that have been lost in this society. "
For decades, they made ​​were hated those who were leaving the country, who were considered traitors. To correspond with them was a sin.
They encouraged the staunchest intolerance against different: the religious, the longhaired, homosexuals, dissidents, etc. A climate of paranoia that no one trusted anyone was created, fearing that betray the CDR, to the police, State Security and feared even the walls, they were to have ears.
How many responsible for monitoring and chairmen of Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, with its reports on the checks to access certain workplaces or study, ruined the future of its neighbors, sometimes only for personal reasons, because they fell ill ?
Hatred and infamy reached levels of paroxysm in the summer of 1980 when rallies of repudiation against those who were leaving the country for Mariel, which is the forerunner of the currently performed by mobs of cheerleaders egged on by the henchmen of the police State security against the Ladies in White and opponents.
Does anyone remember those assemblies in workplaces where colleagues were fighting each other like scorpions and dirty rags were taken out fighting over an apartment in the building microbrigades where they worked 12 hours a day for several years, or earn the right to buy a Russian TV or washing machine?
How many betrayals and Thugs between officials not worth a promotion, a Lada, or worse, a trip abroad, if only to Mongolia?
After the special period, when they decriminalized the dollar and authorized remittances came the resentments and jealousies against those with CUC and could live a little better, thanks to money sent by relatives living abroad.
Currently, despite being counted as complementary actors of updating the economic model, the so - called "self - employed" -officially they call so with that ugly name not recognize them as private- business owners are guilty of all shortages, same there is no beer like that does not reach all the bread in bakeries or potatoes in farmers ' markets, to earn them the enmity of the population.
Also they blame the self - employed, not inefficient state enterprises and the mafia bureaucracy of the Ministry of Agriculture, the high prices of agricultural products. Instead of unleashing the absurd obstacles of central planning, seize thousands of hectares of arable land are idle, invaded by the marabou, pay more to farmers and ensure inputs to increase production, which is the only way to lose prices, decided toparlos arbitrarily pursue intermediaries and carters, threaten tenants to take the land, and return to resort to harvesting, after so many decades of failure, in which only got the shortage of markets while crops could be in the field for lack of trucks, fuel or containers.
Right now, when public transport gets worse and threaten to back those days of the Special Period when the buses delayed hours pass, they decided to bump the prices of private taxi drivers, called boatmen, who are the new demonized, "the unscrupulous who prey the needs of the people ", as they were before the intermediaries of agro-markets and carters, at the risk of further aggravate the situation and create chaos already see coming and that the state, always incompetent in everything that is not repression, is unable to avoid.
At the same time they have taken to the streets an army of inspectors to monitor the Shoemakers, the authorities, so that the habit of snitching is not lost, have enabled a phone number, 18820, to denounce the drivers who They charge above the authorized.; Luis Cino

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