Thursday 11 August 2016

The Galician municipality declares the dictator adopted son Rosa Payá: "Political Láncara, Raul Castro is not Mickey Mouse"

The daughter of Cuban dissident assassinated censorship in the fourth column the controversial decision
I was born and spent all my life in Cuba under the Communist system introduced very early culture of fear, which is really a culture of simulation. Now you step outside my country much of the time it is still frustrating to realize that in the so - called "free world", sometimes the truth should almost so little and is almost as avoided as despotic regime in Cuba.
In Cuba some prefer not to tell the truth because it may entail the suppression of state security, in Láncara, Spain, apparently is preferable to ignore the truth that can not be profitable. At least that is clear from the defense that the mayor, Dario Pineiro made ​​his proposal to declare "Adoptive Son" to the current dictator, Gen. Raul Castro.
The idea of the mayor is that this decision encourages tourism and that argument has achieved the support of the Popular and Socialist parties in the city, for those who do not seem relevant to that adopted in question is involved crimes against humanity or has reached the power through a dynastic succession without anyone on the island as ever elected president.
These words are not in any action against the mayor, after all may apologized in El País are the most sincere expression on the subject has spoken in a long time. I wonder, for example, if the hotel giant Meliá has ever said something to explain why the salary received by employees in Cuba is less than 8% (can reach 3%) than they charge their employees in the rest of the world for the same work.
It is the turn to take advantage of the process Láncara commercial mystification of the symbols of Cuban totalitarianism, even if itmeans passing on the history of life much less sexy eleven million Cubans without rights on the island.
However, the issue of silence or misrepresenting the truth in pursuit of some economic gain, whether real or imaginary, is just one of the ways in which the culture of simulation in the "free societies" is expressed. Equally disturbing are the situations in which relate the bare facts becomes politically incorrect and offer ethical about valuations is uncomfortable.
And I visited for the first time, probably the last, the theme parks of Orlando, near where another liar unloaded his rifle AR-15 (can be purchased online at some places in the United States) against the bodies of at least 50 children, siblings and friends who have gone forever.
Tens of thousands of tourists flock to these parks every day, during the four seasons. The reason: "the mouse sells" shouted a man with whom I ended up talking more than they would have been healthy patience who accompanied me. And almost forgot his sentence if it were not for the vision of Mickey Mouse and sales success assails me every time I see the silhouette directly responsible executioner for the shooting of dozens of Cuban t - shirts and messages young people, intellectuals and even of human rights defenders.
This is one of those cases where the truth is simply bad taste. Too many do not want to hear that criticize Mickey-Mouse Ernesto Che Guevara, despite having his credit with even more victims than the murderer of Orlando.
In addition and in fairness, I do not think Galicia will go with Castro as well as to parks with their drawings legendary characters, but I bet that Cubans prefer to send both brothers dear Galician people, yes, without repayment .
As far as reality is concerned, for good or bad the truth it is independent of conscience, unconscious and trade. Opinions, however, are as diverse as their issuers.
While the mayor wants to see Mickey Mouse in the pair of tyrants from Havana, my friend, artist The sixth, continues to insist on painting as pigs to these dictators.

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