Thursday 1 September 2016

According to CNN Fidel Castro is the victim, Castro says an agent

Resultado de imagen de fidel castro
When Fidel Castro celebrated his 90th birthday recently, CNN said heartily. "The survivor turns 90 , " gushed Patrick Oppmann from Havana. "More people have tried to kill the most famous socialist world than any man, according to British documentary 638 Ways to Kill Castro, 2006".
CNN looks poor Fidel as a victim. Who would want to hurt this harmless medical provider involves ?, CNN. After all, his only offense was to expel the gangsters and give free medical services and education and exploited their unfortunate countrymen.
That basically summarizes the history of CNN. Incidentally, the main source of the British documentary - and the story of CNN's Fabian Escalante, one of the largest and most reliable intelligence officers Castro, trained by the Soviet KGB.
Indeed, what CNN does is keep an old tradition alive whimper. In fact, no observer of the Cuban situation expect a television network bureau in Havana even feign honesty, nor fulfill its duty to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
"The Castro regime assigns 20 security agents to track and monitor all foreign journalists , " said Vicente Botín, who reported from Cuba for the Spanish newspaper El País, until he was expelled from the fief of the Castro family for taking their work really. "You play the game and practice self - censorship regime or kick you off."
Robert Reynolds, head of Caribbean Bureau of the CIA from 1957 to 1960
"The authorization process begins the minute the system receives a request for journalist visa , " the Lieutenant Colonel Chris Simmons, recently retired from the Defense Intelligence Agency, where he was the main hunter Cuban spies. "When your smiling" guides "Cubans received at the airport you already know a lot about you, and from various angles".
The Castro regime has imprisoned and tortured political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin during the Great Terror; more Cubans murdered in his first three years in power that the number of Germans that Hitler killed during the first six; He became a nation with a per capita income higher than half of Europe and received a wave of immigrants (first world) to another which led to 20 times more people die trying to escape the number of dead perished in their attempt flee East Germany, and also has the highest suicide rate in the Americas.
Given this amount of "distressed" horrible and free, one might think that CNN had it easy to report on Castro's birthday, right?
Instead, the only he afflicted comforted that CNN was the cause of these horrors.
With regard to these cowardly assassination attempts against Castro CIA as breathlessly reported by Escalante and so enthusiastically intrepid researchers transcribed by CNN:
In the early 1960s, the late E. Howard Hunt was the head of the political division of the "Cuba Project" of the CIA. " As far as I could determine , " said Hunt in his book Give Us This Day, "the CIA has never developed any coherent plan to assassinate Castro, but that was the desire of many exile groups." Interestingly it stressed that Hunt did assassinate Castro was his own recommendation. But no one at the agency took it seriously.
The reason for this could be that the CIA had at that time many supporters of Castro. Perhaps it was difficult to win their hearts and minds to such a drastic change. Read carefully these quotes from authorities of the CIA:
▪ "I and my staff are all fidelistas". (Robert Reynolds, Caribbean Bureau Chief CIA 1957-1960).
▪ "Everyone in the CIA and everyone at [the Department of] State were pro - Castro, except ambassador [Republican] Earl Smith". (Robert Weicha, CIA operative in Santiago de Cuba).
Even the liberal Church Committee of the US Senate, chaired by Senator Frank Church in the 1970s, argued that the stories of murder was essentially myths:
"In August 1975, Fidel Castro gave to Senator George McGovern a list of 24 alleged assassination attempts against him in which Castro claimed that the CIA had been involved ... The Commission has found no evidence that the CIA participated in the attempts to kill Castro listed on allegations that Castro gave to Senator McGovern ".
On the other hand, we have the bureau CNN in Havana that life transcribing reports of such evil plans of murder, as he told himself Fabian Escalante, one of the largest and most reliable intelligence officers Castro, trained is won by the Soviet KGB.
There was a time when Americans were laughing at any television network to consider communist intelligence agents as reliable news sources.
WRITER, Cuban blogger and political commentator.
Filed Under: Featured, Information
Tagged With: Fidel Castro

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