Thursday 1 September 2016

Who Wasn't on JetBlue's Cuba Flight

Today, JetBlue inaugurated its commercial flight from Ft. Lauderdale to Santa Clara, Cuba.

The flight included more Obama Administration officials and fluff media than actual passengers.

But more interestingly is who wasn't on the JetBlue flight.

For starters, a journalist from The Miami Herald, who was denied a visa by the Castro regime to to join the flight. (See tweet #1.)

Not on the flight were Cuban-Americans critical of the Castro regime, who were similarly denied visas. (See tweet #2.)

Also not on the flight were various Cuban independent journalists, who were arrested as they sought to cover the flights arrival in Santa Clara.

Meanwhile, as the Obama Administration was celebrating its latest distraction at one Cuban airport (Santa Clara), the leader of The Ladies in White, Berta Soler, was being beaten, dragged and arrested in public view at another Cuban airport (Havana).

Obama's Cuba flights are not only outsourcing U.S security to the Castro regime, but further 'empowering' its censorship and repression.

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