Thursday 1 September 2016

In May this year, researcher Maria Werlau, reported to the US Congress the communist regime in Cuba is dedicated to human trafficking in many aspects.

The information submitted by the specialist, who according obtained from Cuba Archive, said the following.
Likewise, the Cuban government began in 2005 a mysterious export to Brazil during the Lula da Silva, human tissues and glands and other body parts of unknown origin. Such sales grew very rapidly and reached a maximum of US $ 88.4 million in 2013. Meanwhile, reports began to arrive from Cuba suspicious and plundering of human body parts that seem to suggest the hand of the state and deserve death serious investigation.
The issue of marketing of separate parts of the human body is well known and interest to many countries, without this being exclusive of the Cuban regime.
What complicates this is, when in Cuba it is, secrecy (confidentiality?) That arises when the Brazilian deputy, Arolde de Oliveira, requests information from the Minister of Health of Brazil, Arthur Chioro, and he refuses to this requirement violating the existing federal law.
At this point we can ask: what the governments of Brazil and Cuba hide regarding this transfer of biological products?
Trade in separate parts of the human body is now a global business and uses the communication mechanisms of the network to offer a varied assortment of products that are used not only as organs and tissues for transplantation, but in areas such as research and development of new medical techniques.
To obtain and use of human body parts for transplantation will establishing regulations and legal procedures while there, regardless of all this, a lucrative and important business worth billions of dollars.
Human body parts are used to develop medical equipment, improve surgical techniques and even to create cosmetics. Doctors use for complex surgical procedures. Being so the obvious question is: how these parts are obtained, processed, marketed and are used?
In Cuba the use of fetuses or part of these in research conducted at the International Center for Neurological Restoration (CIREN) has been the subject of no little controversy. Apart from deliberate or not to take this into question the reputation of those attempts have participated in these investigations, the fact is that other parts of human fetuses for research purposes and the development of treatments was used, and this scandalized not few.
No doubt the employment background of the Cuban State in traffic separate parts of the human body, in order to use them in programs of biological research being done in Cuba and also, why not, in marketing to other countries, such as is done with Brazil through an agreement kept secret.
There is a whole infrastructure in Cuba ranging from hospitals, forensic services, research institutes and biopharmaceutical companies; addition of highly qualified. Only in the year 2011 18.765 autopsies representing 53.3% of deaths in the country were performed. To this can be added the parts obtained from abortions in a country where 27 out of every 1,000 women resort to this method of abortion. But there's many more sources of human parts and procedures we may not know to get them . If there are some misgivings about this and there is no legislation in this respect, there is the argument of the US "blockade" to justify everything.
To prevent trafficking in human material, the World Health Organization (WHO) has established a set of guiding principles. We must remember that this traffic in human parts is aimed primarily at obtaining cells, tissues and organs in order to be transplanted. The parts that can be used in obtaining biological products (for cosmetic purposes, for example) are not considered.
At least we want to point the guiding principle that involves considerations on the sale of human body parts. This says:
Cells, tissues and organs should only be donated freely of title, without any monetary payment or other reward of monetary value. Purchase, or offering to purchase, cells, tissues or organs for transplantation, as well as their sale by living persons or relatives of deceased persons should be prohibited. The ban on the sale or purchase of cells, tissues and organs does not preclude reimbursing reasonable and verifiable expenses incurred by the donor, such as loss of income or payment of the costs of collection, processing, conservation and supply of cells, tissues or organs for transplantation. (Guiding Principle 5)
These guiding principles of WHO are only following the law in Cuba that are interested in obtaining and use of cells, tissues and organs; which it is the regulation of the Public Health Law, Decree 139 of 1988.
A comparative study of legislation for Latin American countries prepared by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) shows that Cuban legislation is not consistent enough in these respects. However, we can point out some aspects that compromise this Traffic theme of human parts, on the above legislation.
In Cuba the will of the deceased donor is respected and no family or individual can revoke the donation expressed in life; this consent is given in donor ID card. They can donate their organs and tissues older than 18 years without having been reflected in the identity card, while the parents or legal guardians in the absence of these or any other family may allow the removal of organs and tissues of children and old and those legally incapable deceased.
However, there is a dark space between what has been legislated and can legislate and what is done or is usually done. In practice, few autopsies are done without regard to the consent of the deceased patient or his family.
The material obtained can be sent to other places and used for other purposes not necessarily diagnostic. The law is very general and vague, dates back to the 80s, when they have subsequently been many more complexities in this matter: the handling and possible commercialization of cells, cell lines, stem cells, blood, organs, substances, proteins , enzymes, hormones, antibodies, tissues and genetic material; making the human body a source of raw material for industry.
Offering the scientific facilities and commercial opportunity not surprise me that only negotiate with Brazil Cuba more than 80 million dollars in human parts in just one year, but we can not know how they were obtained this raw material.
In dictatorships legislating but there is no transparency, much less a dedication to govern adherence to law; the dark intricacies between what is right and what is required to do are confused and never taking into account the common good.
However , it should, in order to maintain a positive assessment, that the Cuban scientific community, that is, professionals who work with dedication prone to decorum and nobility, agree to do their job with honesty.
The Cuban government should reconsider its policies and bring legislation to the guiding principles established by WHO. Should lay hands on comparative jurisprudence, and above all, consider that profit in such practices reminds us, like it or not, that the human body should not be subject to the excessive profits.
What suits the interests of the health and development of medical research and the dignity of the human person, is what should and must engage the attention and effort, not just health authorities but community professional who is part of this scenario.

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