Thursday 1 September 2016

Maria Werlau: 'The succession of the regime is well mounted and secured'

Maria Werlau, president of Free Society Project and director of the Cuba Archive program, believes that "the Cuban dictatorship has a dynastic succession plan" and that " it is very difficult to have a massive reaction of the Cuban citizen against the government."
In an interview with Argentine news site, he considered that " it is very difficult (the popular uprising) in a police state where everyone is watched."
"There are people in Cuba who protest uprisings are crushed but very quickly because there are special troops, as rapid action brigades, dressed in civilian people, who are to attack , " he told the publication Argentina.
Werlau not believe "that the change in Cuba could actually come from the bottom up". He felt that there must be "a break from above, there is a power vacuum, and that take people to appear, as in Germany, and this cause more instability ..."
A power vacuum There could occur with the disappearance of Fidel and Raul Castro he said, but said that "we have very well mounted and advanced in the hands of the three sons of Raul Castro succession" which is a "dynastic" issue.
In his opinion "they are going to make a make the system" something that says "already preparing" opening some elections "certain independent candidates, some of whom are agents of the same Government prepared for this."
"But it is already agreed;. Alejandro Castro Espin, the son of Raul, already has under his charge the security apparatus The son of Raul, husband of Deborah, the eldest daughter, Luis Alberto Rodriguez Lopez Callejas, is in command and years of GAESA, which is the military conglomerate; there are hundreds of companies that control the economy with which to be associated if one wants to invest in Cuba , "he said.
About Mariela Castro, "whom they have spent years cleaning up the image, presenting it as an advocate for LGBT rights --declaró Werlau--, is deputy of the Assembly of People 's Power and will surely have an important position. That is, they have a dynastic succession plan but with a slightly different face. And of course without military uniform. "
Propaganda and a system of influence
Moreover, the director of Archives Cuba noted that the Government of Cuba "has had nearly six decades to devote an incredibly massive amount of human and financial resources to propaganda and a system of influence through its intelligence apparatus which is one the best in the world. "
However, it has promoted "to appear as a legitimate and acceptable regime albeit clearly a dictatorship that is not spoken."
"It is curious rhetoric of Latin American politicians , " he criticized. "You can say that Venezuela is an unacceptable system, yet itis clear that the Venezuelan dictatorship or autocratic government system, semiautocrático, or whatever you say, is not even on the heels of the Cuban dictatorship , " he said.
"In Cuba very quickly counterintelligence system was created, a political police that monitors the citizen , " he added.
To Werlau the Cuban Criminal Code says it all to describe a regime contrary to the principles of democracy.
"The Cuban Constitution only guarantees rights to citizens if the construction of socialism and communism. That is, there is no right that citizens have to not be subordinate to that and that's a subjective matter , " he said.
"The Criminal Code has dozens of crimes against the security of --prosiguió-- State, enabling the execution, the death penalty, for many of these things. It has the legal aberration called 'pre - criminal dangerousness', by which it is estimated that there are thousands of people serving prison for this alleged crime. it is a crime for Cuba but an aberration for any other country. "
"Among other things, there are articles prohibiting the exit and entry to the country of citizens without government authorization, in broad violation of fundamental principles of law embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights".
Whether the restoration of relations between Washington and Havana and economic opening could come to influence the regime for a political opening, Maria Werlau thinks not.
"(The government) Cuba has been open (...) investment in tourism of Western capitalist countries since 93 officially, if not before. With the fall of Soviet subsidies, Cuba was forced to open capitalism to certain sectors , although they are enclaves and in partnership with the Government There are more than 20 years of experience: companies that have entered Cuba, including this country, have not demanded conditions empowering citizens, starting with such basic things as hiring. their employees directly without having to do a State entity and paying the State confiscates 95% of salary , "he said.
"All foreigners who do business in Cuba is that companies hire the Cuban state who tell you you should choose among these people , " he added.
Cuba Archive director said his project is dedicated to documenting deaths and disappearances that occurred since 1952, in a "thorough, systematic" in a database where people "who have been able to document" are.
According Werlau, "the Cuban regime has executed extrajudicially children, many children, because their parents tried to leave the country on a raft." In this regard, he criticized "to be tolerated that a government in a region of civilized countries."
In his --dijo-- record there "all kinds of victims of ideological political spectrum" because the idea is to "create a culture of life and be clear about how much it cost in lives this process."
The human rights activist told Infobae that "there are few, several dozen prisoners of conscience. They usually are opponents or proponents of lesser - known human rights of the provinces" in Cuba, he continued.
"We do not give very long sentences but usually stop for short periods, release, re-take, but many times. There are prisoners who are political because they are serving a sentence for wanting to leave the country and perhaps stole a boat , " precicó.
"And is all that other category of prisoners who have common causes, such as pre - criminal dangerousness" in the opinion of Werlau "should automatically be considered a political prisoner".

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