Thursday 1 September 2016

Neither economic freedom and political freedom

One session of the Seventh Congress of the PCC, Havana. (Granma)
After General Raul Castro became president in 2008, through various legal provisions it was authorized the performance of private economic activity. As a result, half a million Cubans exercise some of the 201 activities that are covered in Resolution 42 of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MLSS). But none of those people are recognized legal personality, but are considered natural persons. Therefore, the principle of commercial law, laws governing market mechanisms are still waiting to be applied in Cuba.
Exaggeration to say that the restoration of diplomatic relations between Washington and Havana means the end of a cycle and the beginning of another. Little has changed. Keep in mind that the Helms-Burton and Torricelli laws are codified by the US Congress and its repeal will depend on the Cuban government to initiate a process of reforms, both political and economic, leading to the establishment of the rule of law, today absent in Cuba.
In the conceptualisation of the Economic Model and the document containing the 267 economic guidelines, both approved at the Seventh Congress of the Communist Party (PCC), it is clear that the direction of the economy is governed by central planning and not by the law From the market.
In conceptualizing the model it is said that "the presence of different actors of ownership and management is one of the elements that determine the objective need for market recognition." And in the Guidelines it recognizes "the existence of market relations".
In neither of the two documents mention the socialist market economy developing as China and Vietnam is made.
Both China and Vietnam are countries led by Communist parties, but economically, the state has accepted the rules of the market. Its sustained economic growth respond to the rules imposed by the capitalist companies present in these two countries, which have achieved high levels of growth of gross domestic product (GDP).
Conceptualization Economic Model and Guidelines recognize, for the first time in 56 years that private property has a social function, whose holders are natural or legal persons , both Cuban and foreign people, but only in certain activities.
There is no doubt that the VII Congress of the CCP was the scene that cemented the power of orthodoxy. This was endorsed in Article 54 (1.1), paragraph 59 of document Conceptualization Model, which states: "The only leading role of the PCC, and organized vanguard of the nation, leading force of society and the State, as it appears set out in Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic ".
Contrary to what happens in China and Vietnam, the VII Congress of the CCP has underlined that the Cuban economy willdominate central planning and that there will be no space in the open market, the vertical government control over politics and the economy strengthened.
The military in power in Cuba, who are terrified democracy as much as vampires the cross, and who do not accept a multipartysystem , freedom of information and expression, managed to impose on the agreed program documents in the VII Congress PCC closing all bands everything that has to do with political freedom and economic freedom.

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